Объединение в цепочку метода в C#

Мы делаем это на нашей Интранет

, необходимо использовать Систему. DirectoryServices;

Вот кишки кода

using (DirectoryEntry adsEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path, strAccountId, strPassword))
    using (DirectorySearcher adsSearcher = new DirectorySearcher(adsEntry))
        //adsSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))";
        adsSearcher.Filter = "(sAMAccountName=" + strAccountId + ")";

            SearchResult adsSearchResult = adsSearcher.FindOne();
            bSucceeded = true;

            strAuthenticatedBy = "Active Directory";
            strError = "User has been authenticated by Active Directory.";
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Failed to authenticate. Most likely it is caused by unknown user
            // id or bad strPassword.
            strError = ex.Message;
задан kame 5 December 2015 в 15:10

8 ответов

The technique you mention is called chainable methods. It is commonly used when creating DSLs or fluent interfaces in C#.

The typical pattern is to have your AddItem() method return an instance of the class (or interface) it is part of. This allows subsequent calls to be chained to it.

public MyCollection AddItem( MyItem item )
   // internal logic...

   return this;

Some alternatives to method chaining, for adding items to a collection, include:

Using the params syntax to allow multiple items to be passed to your method as an array. Useful when you want to hide the array creation and provide a variable argument syntax to your methods:

public void AddItems( params MyItem[] items )
    foreach( var item in items )
        m_innerCollection.Add( item );

// can be called with any number of arguments...
coll.AddItems( first, second, third );
coll.AddItems( first, second, third, fourth, fifth );

Providing an overload of type IEnumerable or IEnumerable so that multiple items can be passed together to your collection class.

public void AddItems( IEnumerable<MyClass> items )
    foreach( var item in items )
         m_innerCollection.Add( item );

Use .NET 3.5 collection initializer syntax. You class must provide a single parameter Add( item ) method, implement IEnumerable, and must have a default constructor (or you must call a specific constructor in the initialization statement). Then you can write:

var myColl = new MyCollection { first, second, third, ... };
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14

"I have actually no idea of what this is called in c#"

A fluent API; StringBuilder is the most common .NET example:

var sb = new StringBuilder();
string s = sb.Append("this").Append(' ').Append("is a ").Append("silly way to")
     .AppendLine("append strings").ToString();
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14

Use this trick:

public class MyClass
    private List<MyItem> _Items = new List<MyItem> ();

    public MyClass AddItem (MyItem item)
        // Add the object
        if (item != null)
            _Items.Add (item)

        return this;

It returns the current instance which will allow you to chain method calls (thus adding multiple objects "at the same time".

ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14

Others have answered in terms of straight method chaining, but if you're using C# 3.0 you might be interested in collection initializers... they're only available when you make a constructor call, and only if your method has appropriate Add methods and implements IEnumerable, but then you can do:

MyClass myClass = new MyClass { item1, item2, item3 };
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14

How about

AddItem(ICollection<Item> items);


AddItem(params Item[] items);

You can use them like this

myObj.AddItem(new Item[] { item1, item2, item3 });
myObj.AddItem(item1, item2, item3);

This is not method chaining, but it adds multiple items to your object in one call.

ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14

Why don't you use the params keyword?

public void AddItem (params MyClass[] object)
    // Add the multiple items
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14

Something like this?

class MyCollection
    public MyCollection AddItem(Object item)
        // do stuff
        return this;
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14

If your item is acting as a list, you may want to implement an interface like iList or iEnumerable / iEnumerable.

Regardless, the key to chaining calls like you want to is returning the object you want.

public Class Foo
   public Foo AddItem(Foo object)
        //Add object to your collection internally
        return this;
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 15:14
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