Java минимизирует зависимости

Что-то вроде этого будет работать на Вас?

>>> def namestr(**kwargs):
...     for k,v in kwargs.items():
...       print "%s = %s" % (k, repr(v))
>>> namestr(a=1, b=2)
a = 1
b = 2

И в Вашем примере:

>>> choice = {'key': 24; 'data': None}
>>> namestr(choice=choice)
choice = {'data': None, 'key': 24}
>>> printvars(**globals())
__builtins__ = <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>
__name__ = '__main__'
__doc__ = None
namestr = <function namestr at 0xb7d8ec34>
choice = {'data': None, 'key': 24}
задан ghempton 8 September 2009 в 07:53

2 ответа

Classdepandjar will strip down a codebase to the essential classes. It's used in the Jini world for delivering optimally-sized jars, but there's nothing Jini-specific about it.

Available as an Ant task.

ответ дан 13 December 2019 в 22:12

As far as I know, this is maven only, but it's a good start

Maven Shade Plugin: This plugin provides the capability to package the artifact in an uber-jar, including its dependencies and to shade - i.e. rename - the packages of some of the dependencies.

ответ дан 13 December 2019 в 22:12
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