C # Marshalling для вызова C ++ DLL. COM и проблема потоков

Если ваш текст содержит только одного человека:

import re

# creation
with open('pers.txt','wb') as g:
    g.write('Dan \n Warrior \n 500 \r\n 1 \r 0 ')

with open('pers.txt','rb') as h:
    print 'exact content of pers.txt before treatment:\n',repr(h.read())
with open('pers.txt','rU') as h:
    print '\nrU-display of pers.txt before treatment:\n',h.read()

# treatment
def roplo(file_name,what):
    patR = re.compile('^([^\r\n]+[\r\n]+)[^\r\n]+')
    with open(file_name,'rb+') as f:
        ch = f.read()

# after treatment
with open('pers.txt','rb') as h:
    print '\nexact content of pers.txt after treatment:\n',repr(h.read())
with open('pers.txt','rU') as h:
    print '\nrU-display of pers.txt after treatment:\n',h.read()

Если ваш текст содержит несколько человек:

import re

# creation
with open('pers.txt','wb') as g:
    g.write('Dan \n Warrior \n 500 \r\n 1 \r 0 \n Jim  \n  dragonfly\r300\r2\n10\r\nSomo\ncosmonaut\n490\r\n3\r65')

with open('pers.txt','rb') as h:
    print 'exact content of pers.txt before treatment:\n',repr(h.read())
with open('pers.txt','rU') as h:
    print '\nrU-display of pers.txt before treatment:\n',h.read()

# treatment
def ripli(file_name,who,what):
    with open(file_name,'rb+') as f:
        ch = f.read()
        x,y = re.search('^\s*'+who+'\s*[\r\n]+([^\r\n]+)',ch,re.MULTILINE).span(1)

# after treatment
with open('pers.txt','rb') as h:
    print 'exact content of pers.txt after treatment:\n',repr(h.read())
with open('pers.txt','rU') as h:
    print '\nrU-display of pers.txt after treatment:\n',h.read()

Если " работа "человека была постоянной длины в текте, вы могли бы изменить только часть текста, соответствующую« заданию »желаемого человека: это та же идея, что и у senderle.

Но согласно мне лучше было бы поместить характеристики индивидуумов в dictionnary, записанные в файл с помощью cPickle:

from cPickle import dump, load

with open('cards','wb') as f:

with open('cards','rb') as g:
    id_cards = load(g)
print 'id_cards before change==',id_cards

id_cards['Jim'][0] = 'Wizard'

with open('cards','w') as h:

with open('cards') as e:
    id_cards = load(e)
print '\nid_cards after change==',id_cards
задан GHB 24 February 2015 в 20:46