.selectpicker ('refresh') не обновляет загрузчик

Это очень простое представление для моделирования лабиринта в C ++:)

#ifndef vAlgorithms_Interview_graph_maze_better_h
#define vAlgorithms_Interview_graph_maze_better_h

static const int kMaxRows = 100;
static const int kMaxColumns = 100;

class MazeSolver
    char m_matrix[kMaxRows][kMaxColumns]; //matrix representation of graph
    int rows, cols; //actual rows and columns

    bool m_exit_found;
    int m_exit_row, m_exit_col;
    int m_entrance_row, m_entrance_col;

    struct square //abstraction for data stored in every verex
        pair<int, int> m_coord; //x and y co-ordinates of the matrix
        square* m_parent; //to trace the path backwards

        square() : m_parent(0) {}

    queue<square*> Q;

    MazeSolver(const char* filename)
        : m_exit_found(false)
        , m_exit_row(0)
        , m_exit_col(0)
        , m_entrance_row(0)
        , m_entrance_col(0)
        ifstream file;

            cout << "could not open the file" << endl << flush;
            // in real world, put this in second phase constructor
    void solve_maze()
        //we will basically use BFS: keep pushing squares on q, visit all 4 neighbors and see
        //which way can we proceed depending on obstacle(wall)

        square* s = new square();
        s->m_coord = make_pair(m_entrance_row, m_entrance_col);


        while(!m_exit_found && !Q.empty())
            s = Q.front();

            int x = s->m_coord.first;
            int y = s->m_coord.second;
            //check if this square is an exit cell
            if(x == m_exit_row && y == m_exit_col)
                m_matrix[x][y] = '>'; // end of the path
                m_exit_found = true;
                //todo: try breaking? no= queue wont empty
                //try walking all 4 neighbors and select best path
                //NOTE: Since we check all 4 neighbors simultaneously,
                //      the path will be the shortest path
                walk_path(x-1, y, s);
                walk_path(x+1, y, s);
                walk_path(x, y-1, s);
                walk_path(x, y+1, s);
            } /* end while */

        clear_maze(); //unset all previously marked visited shit

        //put the traversed path in maze for printing
            m_matrix[s->m_coord.first][s->m_coord.second] = '-';
            s = s->m_parent;
            } /* end while */

    void print()
        for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
            for(int j=0; j<cols; j++)
                cout << m_matrix[i][j];
            cout << endl << flush;

    void init_matrix(ifstream& file)
        //read the contents line-wise
        string line;
        int row=0;
            std::getline(file, line);
            for(int i=0; i<line.size(); i++)
                m_matrix[row][i] = line[i];
            if(line.size() > 0)
                cols = line.size();
            } /* end while */
        rows = row - 1;

        m_exit_found = false;

    //find and mark ramp and exit points
    void find_exit_and_entry()
        for(int i=0; i<rows; i++)
            if(m_matrix[i][cols-1] == ' ')
                m_exit_row = i;
                m_exit_col = cols - 1;
            if(m_matrix[i][0] == ' ')
                m_entrance_row = i;
                m_entrance_col = 0;
            } /* end for */
        //mark entry and exit for testing
        m_matrix[m_entrance_row][m_entrance_col] = 's';
        m_matrix[m_exit_row][m_exit_col] = 'e';

    void clear_maze()
        for(int x=0; x<rows; x++)
            for(int y=0; y<cols; y++)
                if(m_matrix[x][y] == '-')
                    m_matrix[x][y] = ' ';
        // Take a square, see if it's the exit. If not, 
        // push it onto the queue so its (possible) pathways
        // are checked.
    void walk_path(int x, int y, square* parent)
        if(m_exit_found) return;
        if(x==m_exit_row && y==m_exit_col)
            m_matrix[x][y] = '>';
            m_exit_found = true;
            if(can_walk_at(x, y))
                //tag this cell as visited
                m_matrix[x][y] = '-';

                cout << "can walk = " << x << ", " << y << endl << flush;

                //add to queue
                square* s = new square();
                s->m_parent = parent;
                s->m_coord = make_pair(x, y);

    bool can_walk_at(int x, int y)
        bool oob = is_out_of_bounds(x, y);
        bool visited = m_matrix[x][y] == '-';
        bool walled = m_matrix[x][y] == '#';

        return ( !oob && !visited && !walled);
    bool is_out_of_bounds(int x, int y)
        if(x<0 || x > rows || y<0 || y>cols)
            return true;
        return false;

void run_test_graph_maze_better()
        MazeSolver m("/Users/vshakya/Dropbox/private/graph/maze.txt");

задан C. Gill 31 December 2018 в 02:21