Как загрузить Visual Studio Community Edition 2015 (не 2017)

Быстрый перевод ответа @ dupuis2387. Выработал синтаксис, чтобы установить цвет и шрифт заголовка UIAlertController с помощью KVC с помощью клавиши attributedTitle.

let message = "Some message goes here."
let alertController = UIAlertController(
    title: "", // This gets overridden below.
    message: message,
    preferredStyle: .Alert
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Cancel) { _ -> Void in

let fontAwesomeHeart = "\u{f004}"
let fontAwesomeFont = UIFont(name: "FontAwesome", size: 17)!
let customTitle:NSString = "I \(fontAwesomeHeart) Swift" // Use NSString, which lets you call rangeOfString()
let systemBoldAttributes:[String : AnyObject] = [ 
    // setting the attributed title wipes out the default bold font,
    // so we need to reconstruct it.
    NSFontAttributeName : UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(17)
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: customTitle as String, attributes:systemBoldAttributes)
let fontAwesomeAttributes = [
    NSFontAttributeName: fontAwesomeFont,
    NSForegroundColorAttributeName : UIColor.redColor()
let matchRange = customTitle.rangeOfString(fontAwesomeHeart)
attributedString.addAttributes(fontAwesomeAttributes, range: matchRange)
alertController.setValue(attributedString, forKey: "attributedTitle")

self.presentViewController(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)

задан Nasreddine 24 July 2018 в 08:56