C#, Как определить если HTTPS

Вы не можете удалить из списка, если вы просматриваете его с циклом «для каждого».

Вы не можете удалить элемент из коллекции, которую вы выполняете. Вы можете обойти это, явно используя Итератор и удалив там элемент. Вы можете использовать Итератор.

Если вы используете код ниже, вы не получите никакого исключения:

private static void removeLalala(Collection<String> c) 
    /*for (Iterator<String> i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
      String s = i.next();
      if(s.equals("lalala")) {

    Iterator<String> it = c.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        String st = it.next();
        if (st.equals("lalala")) {
задан jinsungy 13 July 2009 в 15:32

4 ответа

You can write an HttpModule like this:

/// <summary>
/// Used to correct non-secure requests to secure ones.
/// If the website backend requires of SSL use, the whole requests 
/// should be secure.
/// </summary>
public class SecurityModule : IHttpModule
    public void Dispose() { }

    public void Init(HttpApplication application)
        application.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(application_BeginRequest);

    protected void application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpApplication application = ((HttpApplication)(sender));
        HttpRequest request = application.Request;
        HttpResponse response = application.Response;

        // if the secure connection is required for backend and the current 
        // request doesn't use SSL, redirecting the request to be secure
        if ({use SSL} && !request.IsSecureConnection)
            string absoluteUri = request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            response.Redirect(absoluteUri.Replace("http://", "https://"), true);

Where {use SSL} is a some condition whether to use SSL or not.

EDIT: and, of course, don't forget to add a module definition to a web.config:

        <!--Used to redirect all the unsecure connections to the secure ones if necessary-->
        <add name="Security" type="{YourNamespace}.Handlers.SecurityModule, {YourAssembly}" />
ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 16:25

В этой статье рассматриваются запросы на перемещение в и из SSL. Иногда вы не хотите, чтобы пользователь просматривал страницу в SSL, потому что он записывает циклы обработки для страниц, которые не нужно защищать.


ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 16:25

You'd have to convert this from VB.NET to C#, but this is what I use in my sites:

Imports System.Web.HttpContext

Public Shared Sub SetSSL(Optional ByVal bEnable As Boolean = False)
  If bEnable Then
    If Not Current.Request.IsSecureConnection Then
      Dim strHTTPS As String = "https://www.mysite.com"
      Current.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
      Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", strHTTPS & Current.Request.RawUrl)
    End If
    If Current.Request.IsSecureConnection Then
      Dim strHTTP As String = "http://www.mysite.com"
      Current.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
      Current.Response.AddHeader("Location", strHTTP & Current.Request.RawUrl)
    End If
  End If
End Sub

It's more code than some of the other techniques, but there's a reason for it. This method will only redirect when it's not in the mode it should be in. And when it does do a redirect, it does a 301 (permanent) redirection. The benefit there is that search engines will follow the 301 redirection and that will prevent any possibility of them indexing the same page twice (in http and https mode). You can compare this with the default behavior of Response.Redirect (302 temporary redirect) which Google, for example, doesn't treat the same way. They will not change their index based on a temporary redirect.

So if you're on a page that you want to be SSL-encrypted, call it like this:




And if you really need this to be globally applied, I'd call SetSSL(True) in the Application_BeginRequest of your global.asax. Beware that SSL will slow things down a bit. For that reason I'm typically very selective when switching between http and https. In fact, out of dozens of sites I've developed there's only been two that use SSL throughout the entire site.

ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 16:25

IIR вы можете проверить запрос (HttpContext.Current.Request) для домена, который затем вы можете проверить, какой протокол используется (http, https, ftp и т. д.)

ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 16:25
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