Что находится в Вашем .vimrc? [закрытый]

MySqlCommand comm = connect.CreateCommand();
comm.CommandText = insertStatement;  // Set the insert statement
comm.ExecuteNonQuery();              // Execute the command
long id = comm.LastInsertedId;       // Get the ID of the inserted item
задан 10 revs, 6 users 36% 25 September 2017 в 20:50

62 ответа

"{{{1 Защита от множественных загрузок 
if exists("b:dollarHOMEslashdotvimrcFileLoaded")
let b:dollarHOMEslashdotvimrcFileLoaded=1
" set t_Co=8
" set t_Sf=[3%p1%dm
" set t_Sb=[4%p1%dm
"{{{1 Options 
"{{{2 set 
set nocompatible
set background=dark
set display+=lastline
"set iminsert=0
"set imsearch=0
set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set autoindent
set nosmartindent
set backup
set conskey
set bioskey
set browsedir=buffer
" bomb may work bad
set nobomb
exe "set backupdir=".$HOME."/.vimbackup,."
set backupext=~
set history=32
set ruler
set showcmd
set hlsearch
set incsearch
set nocindent
set textwidth=80
set complete=.,i,d,t,w,b,u,k
" set conskey
set noconfirm
set cscopetag
set cscopetagorder=1
" set copyindent
" !may be not safe
set exrc
set secure
" set foldclose
set noswapfile
" set swapsync=sync
set fsync
set guicursor="a:block-blinkoff0"
set autowriteall
set hidden
set nojoinspaces
set nostartofline
" set virtualedit+=onemore
set lazyredraw
set visualbell
set makeef=make.##.err.log
set modelines=16
set more
set virtualedit+=block
set winaltkeys=no
set fileencodings=utf-8,cp1251,koi8-r,default
set encoding=utf-8
set list
set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-,nbsp:_
set magic
set pastetoggle=<F1>
set foldmethod=marker
set wildmenu
set wildcharm=<Tab>
set formatoptions=arcoqn12w
"set formatoptions+=t
set scrolloff=2

"{{{3 define keys
"{{{4 get keys from zkbd
if isdirectory($HOME."/.zkbd") &&
    let s:keys=split(system("cat ".
                \" | grep \"^key\\\\[\" | ".
                \"sed -re \"s/^key\\\\[([[:alnum:]]*)\\\\]='(.*)'\\$".
                           \"/\\\\1=\\\\2/g\""), "\\n")
    for key in s:keys
        let tmp=split(key, "=")
        if tmp[0]=~"^F\\d\\+$"
            execute "set <".tmp[0].">=".
                        \substitute(tmp[1], "\\^\\[", "\<ESC>", "g")
" function g:DefineKeys()
    "{{{4 screen
    if 0 && $_SECONDLAUNCH
        set    <F1>=[11~
        set    <F2>=[12~
        set    <F3>=[13~
        set    <F4>=[14~
        set    <F5>=[15~
        set    <F6>=[17~
        set    <F7>=[18~
        set    <F8>=[19~
        set    <F9>=[20~
        set   <F10>=[21~
        set   <F11>=[23~
        set   <F12>=[24~
        set  <S-F1>=[23~
        set  <S-F2>=[24~
        set  <S-F3>=[25~
        set  <S-F4>=[26~
        set  <S-F5>=[28~
        set  <S-F6>=[29~
        set  <S-F7>=[31~
        set  <S-F8>=[32~
        set  <S-F9>=[33~
        set <S-F10>=[34~
        set <S-F11>=[23$
        set <S-F12>=[24$
        set  <HOME>=[7~
        set   <END>=[8~
    "{{{4 xterm 
    elseif $TERM=="xterm"
        set      <M-a>=a
        set      <M-b>=b
        set      <M-c>=c
        set      <M-d>=d
        set      <M-e>=e
        set      <M-f>=f
        set      <M-g>=g
        set      <M-h>=h
        set      <M-i>=i
        set      <M-j>=j
        set      <M-k>=k
        set      <M-l>=l
        set      <M-m>=m
        set      <M-n>=n
        set      <M-o>=o
        set      <M-p>=p
        set      <M-q>=q
        set      <M-r>=r
        set      <M-s>=s
        set      <M-t>=t
        set      <M-u>=u
        set      <M-v>=v
        set      <M-w>=w
        set      <M-x>=x
        set      <M-y>=y
        set      <M-z>=z
        "set <M-SPACE>= 
        "set    <Left>=OD
        "set  <S-Left>=O2D
        "set  <C-Left>=O5D
        "set   <Right>=OC
        "set <S-Right>=O2C
        "set <C-Right>=O5C
        "set      <Up>=OA
        "set    <S-Up>=O2A
        "set    <C-Up>=O5A
        "set    <Down>=OB
        "set  <S-Down>=O2B
        "set  <C-Down>=O5B
        set       <F1>=[11~
        set       <F2>=[12~
        set       <F3>=[13~
        set       <F4>=[14~
        set       <F5>=[15~
        set       <F6>=[17~
        set       <F7>=[18~
        set       <F8>=[19~
        set       <F9>=[20~
        set      <F10>=[21~
        set      <F11>=[23~
        set      <F12>=[24~
        "set    <C-F1>=
        "set    <C-F2>=
        "set    <C-F3>=
        "set    <C-F4>=
        "set    <C-F5>=[15;5~
        "set    <C-F6>=[17;5~
        "set    <C-F7>=[18;5~
        "set    <C-F8>=[19;5~
        "set    <C-F9>=[20;5~
        "set   <C-F10>=[21;5~
        "set   <C-F11>=[23;5~
        "set   <C-F12>=[24;5~
        set     <S-F1>=[11;2~
        set     <S-F2>=[12;2~
        set     <S-F3>=[13;2~
        set     <S-F4>=[14;2~
        set     <S-F5>=[15;2~
        set     <S-F6>=[17;2~
        set     <S-F7>=[18;2~
        set     <S-F8>=[19;2~
        set     <S-F9>=[20;2~
        set    <S-F10>=[21;2~
        set    <S-F11>=[23;2~
        set    <S-F12>=[24;2~
        set      <END>=OF
        set    <S-END>=O2F
        set   <S-HOME>=O2H
        set     <HOME>=OH
        set      <DEL>=
        " set   <PageUp>=[5~
        " set <PageDown>=[6~
        "  noremap  <DEL>
        " inoremap  <DEL>
        " cnoremap  <DEL>
        set    <S-Del>=[3;2~
        " set   <C-Del>=[3;5~
        " set   <M-Del>=[3;3~
    "{{{4 rxvt --- aterm
    elseif $TERM=="rxvt"
        set      <M-a>=a
        set      <M-b>=b
        set      <M-c>=c
        set      <M-d>=d
        set      <M-e>=e
        set      <M-f>=f
        set      <M-g>=g
        set      <M-h>=h
        set      <M-i>=i
        set      <M-j>=j
        set      <M-k>=k
        set      <M-l>=l
        set      <M-m>=m
        set      <M-n>=n
        set      <M-o>=o
        set      <M-p>=p
        set      <M-q>=q
        set      <M-r>=r
        set      <M-s>=s
        set      <M-t>=t
        set      <M-u>=u
        set      <M-v>=v
        set      <M-w>=w
        set      <M-x>=x
        set      <M-y>=y
        set      <M-z>=z
        set       <F1>=OP
        set       <F2>=OQ
        set       <F3>=OR
        set       <F4>=OS
        set       <F5>=[15~
        set       <F6>=[17~
        set       <F7>=[18~
        set       <F8>=[19~
        set       <F9>=[20~
        set      <F10>=[21~
        set      <F11>=[23~
        set      <F12>=[24~
        set     <S-F1>=[23~
        set     <S-F2>=[24~
        set     <S-F3>=[25~
        set     <S-F4>=[26~
        set     <S-F5>=[28~
        set     <S-F6>=[29~
        set     <S-F7>=[31~
        set     <S-F8>=[32~
        set     <S-F9>=[33~
        set    <S-F10>=[34~
        set    <S-F11>=[23$
        set    <S-F12>=[24$
        " set  <C-S-F2>=[24^
        " set  <C-S-F3>=[25^
        " set  <C-S-F4>=[26^
        " set  <C-S-F5>=[28^
        " set  <C-S-F6>=[29^
        " set  <C-S-F7>=[31^
        " set  <C-S-F8>=[32^
        " set  <C-S-F9>=[33^
        " set <C-S-F10>=[34^
        " set <C-S-F11>=[23@
        " set <C-S-F12>=[24@
        " set    <M-F5>=<F5>
        " set    <M-F6>=<F6>
        " set    <M-F7>=<F7>
        " set    <M-F8>=<F8>
        " set    <M-F9>=<F9>
        " set   <M-F10>=<F10>
        " set   <M-F11>=<F11>
        " set   <M-F12>=<F12>
        " set  <M-S-F5>=<S-F5>
        " set  <M-S-F6>=<S-F6>
        " set  <M-S-F7>=<S-F7>
        " set  <M-S-F8>=<S-F8>
        " set  <M-S-F9>=<S-F9>
        " set <M-S-F10>=<S-F10>
        " set <M-S-F11>=<S-F11>
        " set <M-S-F12>=<S-F12>
    "{{{4 rxvt-unicode --- urxvt
    elseif $TERM=="rxvt-unicode"
        set      <M-a>=a
        set      <M-b>=b
        set      <M-c>=c
        set      <M-d>=d
        set      <M-e>=e
        set      <M-f>=f
        set      <M-g>=g
        set      <M-h>=h
        set      <M-i>=i
        set      <M-j>=j
        set      <M-k>=k
        set      <M-l>=l
        set      <M-m>=m
        set      <M-n>=n
        set      <M-o>=o
        set      <M-p>=p
        set      <M-q>=q
        set      <M-r>=r
        set      <M-s>=s
        set      <M-t>=t
        set      <M-u>=u
        set      <M-v>=v
        set      <M-w>=w
        set      <M-x>=x
        set      <M-y>=y
        set      <M-z>=z
        set       <F1>=[11~
        set       <F2>=[12~
        set       <F3>=[13~
        set       <F4>=[14~
        set       <F5>=[15~
        set       <F6>=[17~
        set       <F7>=[18~
        set       <F8>=[19~
        set       <F9>=[20~
        set      <F10>=[21~
        set      <F11>=[23~
        set      <F12>=[24~
        " fluxbox!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        set     <S-F1>=[23~
        set     <S-F2>=[24~
        set     <S-F3>=[25~
        set     <S-F4>=[26~
        set     <S-F5>=[28~
        set     <S-F6>=[29~
        set     <S-F7>=[31~
        set     <S-F8>=[32~
        set     <S-F9>=[33~
        set    <S-F10>=[34~
        set    <S-F11>=[23$
        set    <S-F12>=[24$
        " set    <C-F1>=[11^
        " set    <C-F2>=[12^
        " set    <C-F3>=[13^
        " set    <C-F4>=[14^
        " set    <C-F5>=[15^
        " set    <C-F6>=[17^
        " set    <C-F7>=[18^
        " set    <C-F8>=[19^
        " set    <C-F9>=[20^
        " set   <C-F10>=[21^
        " set   <C-F11>=[23^
        " set   <C-F12>=[24^
        " openbox!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        " set    <S-F1>=[23~
        " set    <S-F2>=[24~
        " set    <S-F3>=[25~
        " set    <S-F4>=[26~
        " set    <S-F5>=[28~
        " set    <S-F6>=[29~
        " set    <S-F7>=[31~
        " set    <S-F8>=[32~
        " set    <S-F9>=[33~
        " set   <S-F10>=[34~
        " set   <S-F11>=[23$
        " set   <S-F12>=[24$
        " set  <C-S-F2>=[24^
        " set  <C-S-F3>=[25^
        " set  <C-S-F4>=[26^
        " set  <C-S-F5>=[28^
        " set  <C-S-F6>=[29^
        " set  <C-S-F7>=[31^
        " set  <C-S-F8>=[32^
        " set  <C-S-F9>=[33^
        " set <C-S-F10>=[34^
        " set <C-S-F11>=[23@
        " set <C-S-F12>=[24@
        " set    <M-F5>=<F5>
        " set    <M-F6>=<F6>
        " set    <M-F7>=<F7>
        " set    <M-F8>=<F8>
        " set    <M-F9>=<F9>
        " set   <M-F10>=<F10>
        " set   <M-F11>=<F11>
        " set   <M-F12>=<F12>
        " set  <M-S-F5>=<S-F5>
        " set  <M-S-F6>=<S-F6>
        " set  <M-S-F7>=<S-F7>
        " set  <M-S-F8>=<S-F8>
        " set  <M-S-F9>=<S-F9>
        " set <M-S-F10>=<S-F10>
        " set <M-S-F11>=<S-F11>
        " set <M-S-F12>=<S-F12>
    " autocmd! DefineKeys
" endfunction
" "{{{4 autocmd 
" augroup DefineKeys
" autocmd BufEnter * call g:DefineKeys()
" augroup END

"{{{2 filetipe 
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on

"{{{2 let 
"{{{ NERDCommenter 
let           NERDShutUp=1
let      NERDSpaceDelims=1
let g:c_syntax_for_h=1
let g:xml_syntax_folding=1
let           paste_mode=0 " 0 = normal, 1 = paste
"{{{3 keys if $TERM=="rxvt-unicode"
    " " fluxbox!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    " let    g:C_F1="\<ESC>[11^"
    " let    g:C_F2="\<ESC>[12^"
    " let    g:C_F3="\<ESC>[13^"
    " let    g:C_F4="\<ESC>[14^"
    " let    g:C_F5="\<ESC>[15^"
    " let    g:C_F6="\<ESC>[17^"
    " let    g:C_F7="\<ESC>[18^"
    " let    g:C_F8="\<ESC>[19^"
    " let    g:C_F9="\<ESC>[20^"
    " let   g:C_F10="\<ESC>[21^"
    " let   g:C_F11="\<ESC>[23^"
    " let   g:C_F12="\<ESC>[24^"
    " let  g:M_S_F1="\<ESC>\<ESC>[23$"
    " let  g:M_S_F2="\<ESC>\<ESC>[24$"
    " let  g:M_S_F3="\<ESC>\<ESC>[25$"
    " let  g:M_S_F4="\<ESC>\<ESC>[26$"
    " let  g:M_S_F5="\<ESC>\<ESC>[28$"
    " let  g:M_S_F6="\<ESC>\<ESC>[29$"
    " let  g:M_S_F7="\<ESC>\<ESC>[31$"
    " let  g:M_S_F8="\<ESC>\<ESC>[32$"
    " let  g:M_S_F9="\<ESC>\<ESC>[33$"
    " let g:M_S_F10="\<ESC>\<ESC>[34$"
    " let g:M_S_F11="\<ESC>\<ESC>[23$"
    " let g:M_S_F12="\<ESC>\<ESC>[24$"
    " let  g:M_C_F1="\<ESC>\<ESC>[11^"
    " let  g:M_C_F2="\<ESC>\<ESC>[12^"
    " let  g:M_C_F3="\<ESC>\<ESC>[13^"
    " let  g:M_C_F4="\<ESC>\<ESC>[14^"
    " let  g:M_C_F5="\<ESC>\<ESC>[15^"
    " let  g:M_C_F6="\<ESC>\<ESC>[17^"
    " let  g:M_C_F7="\<ESC>\<ESC>[18^"
    " let  g:M_C_F8="\<ESC>\<ESC>[19^"
    " let  g:M_C_F9="\<ESC>\<ESC>[20^"
    " let g:M_C_F10="\<ESC>\<ESC>[21^"
    " let g:M_C_F11="\<ESC>\<ESC>[23^"
    " let g:M_C_F12="\<ESC>\<ESC>[24^"
" endif
"{{{3 Настройки :TOhtml 
let    html_number_lines=1
" let  html_ignore_folding=1
let         html_use_css=1
let          html_no_pre=0
let            use_xhtml=1
"{{{3 Предотвратить загрузку 
let      loaded_cmdalias=0
"{{{3 Mine 
" let g:kmaps={"en": "", "ru": "russian-dvp"}

"{{{1 Syntax 
highlight TooLongLine term=reverse ctermfg=Yellow ctermbg=Red
2match TooLongLine /\S\%>81v/

"{{{1 Autocommands 
autocmd VimLeavePre * silent mksession! ~/.vim/lastSession.vim
au BufWritePost * if getline(1) =~ "^#!" | execute "silent! !chmod a+x %" | 
autocmd BufRead,BufWinEnter * let &l:modifiable=(!(&ro && !&bt=="quickfix"))

"{{{1 Digraphs 
digraphs ca  94 "^
digraphs ga  96 "`
digraphs ti 126 "~

"{{{1 Menus 
" menu Encoding.koi8-r       :e ++enc=8bit-koi8-r<CR>
" menu Encoding.windows-1251 :e ++enc=8bit-cp1251<CR>
" menu Encoding.ibm-866      :e ++enc=8bit-ibm866<CR>
" menu Encoding.utf-8        :e ++enc=2byte-utf-8<CR>
" menu Encoding.ucs-2le      :e ++enc=ucs-2le<CR>

"{{{1 Команды 
function s:Substitute(sstring, line1, line2)
    execute a:line1.",".a:line2."!perl -pi -e 'use encoding \"utf8\"; s'".
                \escape(shellescape(a:sstring), '%!').
                \" 2>/dev/null"
command -range=% -nargs=+ S call s:Substitute(<q-args>, <line1>, <line2>)

"{{{1 Mappings 
"{{{2 Menu mappings 

"{{{2 function mappings 
"{{{3 Function Eatchar 
function Eatchar(pat)
    let l:pat=((a:pat=="")?("*"):(a:pat))
    let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
    return (c =~ l:pat) ? '' : c
"{{{3 CleverTab - tab to autocomplete and move indent 
function CleverTab()
    if strpart( getline('.'), col('.')-2, 1) =~ '^\k$'
        return "\<C-n>"
        return "\<Tab>"
inoremap <Tab> <C-R>=CleverTab()<CR>
"{{{3 Keymap switch 
function! SwitchKeymap(kmaps, knum)
    let s:kmapvals=values(a:kmaps)
    if a:knum=="+"
        let s:ki=index(s:kmapvals, &keymap)
        echo s:ki
        if s:ki==-1
            let &keymap=s:kmapvals[0]
        elseif s:ki>=len(a:kmaps)-1
            let &keymap=s:kmapvals[0]
        let &keymap=s:kmapvals[s:ki+1]
    elseif has_key(a:kmaps, a:knum)
        let &keymap=a:kmaps[a:knum]
    let s:ki=0
    for val in s:kmapvals
        if s:ki==a:knum
            let &keymap=val
        let s:ki+=1
    let &keymap=s:kmapvals[0]
" inoremap <S-Tab> <C-\><C-o>:call<SPACE>SwitchKeymap(g:kmaps,<SPACE>"+")<C-m>

"{{{2 ToggleVerbose 
function! ToggleVerbose()
    let g:verboseflag = !g:verboseflag
    if g:verboseflag
        exe "set verbosefile=".$HOME."/.logs/vim/verbose.log
        set verbose=15
        set verbose=0
        set verbosefile=
noremap <F4>sv :call<SPACE>ToggleVerbose()
inoremap <F4>sv <C-o>:call<SPACE>ToggleVerbose()

"{{{2 Other mappings 
"{{{3 <.*F12> mappings - for some browsing 
 noremap <F12>        :TlistToggle<CR>
inoremap <F12>        <C-O>:TlistToggle<CR>
inoremap <S-F12>      <C-O>:BufExplorer<CR>
 noremap <S-F12>      :BufExplorer<CR>
inoremap <M-F12>      <C-O>:NERDTreeToggle<CR>
 noremap <M-F12>      :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
"{{{3 yank/paste 
vnoremap <C-Insert>   "+y
nnoremap <S-Insert>   "+p
inoremap <S-Insert>    <C-o><S-Insert>
vnoremap p            "_da<C-r><C-r>"<CR><ESC>
"{{{3 Motions 
"{{{4 Left/Right replace 
cnoremap <C-b>        <Left>
cnoremap <C-f>        <Right>
inoremap <C-b>        <C-\><C-o>h
inoremap <C-f>             <C-o>a

cnoremap <M-b>        <C-Right>
inoremap <M-b>        <C-o>w
inoremap <M-f>        <C-o>b
cnoremap <M-f>        <C-Left>
"{{{4 Page Up/Down 
nnoremap <C-b>             <C-U><C-U>
inoremap <PageUp>     <C-O><C-U><C-O><C-U>
nnoremap <C-f>             <C-D><C-D>
inoremap <PageDown>   <C-O><C-D><C-O><C-D>
"{{{4 Up/Down 
inoremap <C-G>        <C-\><C-o>gk
inoremap <Up>         <C-\><C-o>gk
inoremap <Down>       <C-\><C-o>gj
inoremap <C-l>        <C-\><C-o>gj
nnoremap <Down>       gj
vnoremap <Down>       gj
nnoremap  j           gj
vnoremap  j           gj
nnoremap gj            j
vnoremap gj            j
nnoremap gk            k
vnoremap gk            k
nnoremap  k           gk
vnoremap  k           gk
nnoremap <Up>         gk
vnoremap <Up>         gk
"{{{4 Smart <HOME> and <END> 

    " imap <HOME>        <C-o>g^
    " imap <C-O>g^<HOME> <C-o>^
" inoremap <C-o>^<HOME>  <C-o>0
    " imap <END>         <C-o>g$
" inoremap <C-o>g$<END>  <C-o>$
    " nmap <HOME>        <C-o>g^
    " nmap <C-O>g^<HOME>       ^
" nnoremap <C-o>^<HOME>        0
    " nmap <END>              g$
" nnoremap <C-o>g$<END>        $
"{{{3 <F3> and searching 
 noremap   <F3>            :nohl<CR>
inoremap <S-F3>       <C-o>:nohl<CR>
inoremap   <F3>       <C-o>n
"{{{3 <F2> for saving, <F10> for exiting 
 noremap <F2>              :up<CR>
inoremap <F2>         <C-o>:up<CR>
inoremap <F10>        <ESC>ZZ
 noremap <F10>        <ESC>ZZ
inoremap <S-F10>      <ESC>:q!<CR>
 noremap <S-F10>           :q!<CR>
inoremap <C-F10>      <ESC>:silent<SPACE>mksession<SPACE>session.vim<CR>:wq!
 noremap <C-F10>           :silent<SPACE>mksession<SPACE>session.vim<CR>:wq!
"{{{3 Something 
inoremap <C-z>        <C-o>u
 noremap <F1>         :set paste!<C-m>
inoremap <C-^>        <C-O><C-^>
inoremap <C-d>        <Del>
cnoremap <C-d>        <Del>
"{{{3 <C-j> 
inoremap <C-j>j       <C-o>:bn<CR>
inoremap <C-j>J       <C-o>:bN<CR>
 noremap <C-j>j            :bn<CR>
 noremap <C-j>J            :bN<CR>
"{{{3 for visual 
inoremap <S-Left>     <C-o>vge
inoremap <S-Up>       <C-o>vk
inoremap <S-Down>     <C-o>vj
inoremap <S-Right>    <C-o>ve
inoremap <S-End>      <C-o>v$
inoremap <S-Home>     <C-o>v$o^
vnoremap A            <C-c>i
"{{{3 <F4> 
"{{{4 <F4> folds 
 noremap <F4>{        a{{{<ESC>
inoremap <F4>{         {{{
 noremap <F4>}        a}}}<ESC>
inoremap <F4>}         }}}
inoremap <F4>[        <C-o>o{{{<C-o>:call NERDComment(0,"norm")<C-m>
 noremap <F4>[             o{{{<C-o>:call NERDComment(0,"norm")<C-m>
inoremap <F4>]        <C-o>o}}}<C-o>:call NERDComment(0,"norm")<C-m>
 noremap <F4>]             o}}}<C-o>:call NERDComment(0,"norm")<C-m>
"{{{4 <F4> folds 
inoremap <F4>f        <C-o>za<C-o>j<C-o>^
 noremap <F4>f             zaj
"{{{4 <F4> yank/paste/delete 
inoremap <F4>p        <C-o>p
inoremap <F4>gp       <C-o>"+p
inoremap <F4>y(       <C-o>ya)
inoremap <F4>yl       <C-o>yy
inoremap <F4>gy(      <C-o>"+ya)
inoremap <F4>gyl      <C-o>"+yy
inoremap <F4>P        <C-o>P
inoremap <F4>d(       <C-o>da)
inoremap <F4>dl       <C-o>dd
"{{{4 <F4> frequently used expressions 
inoremap <F4>c        \033[m<C-/><C-o>h
"{{{4 <F4> alternate 
    imap <F4>a        <C-o>:A<C-m>
     map <F4>a             :A<C-m>
"{{{3 «,» 
" &lower
" &upper
" &1st
" &2nd
" &both lower and upper (or both 1st and 2nd)
" prefixed with &e
" prefixed with &E
" is &Prefix for smth
" &prefixed with (([what]p(prefix)))
" -: nothing
" +: added
" /: replaced
" [invc]: for modes insert, normal, visual, command (for insert mode if
"         omitted)
"     |     vimrc       |        |        |       |       |
"     | i     n  v  c   |  tex   |   c    | html  | vim   | other
" ----+-----------------+--------+--------+-------+-------+---------------------
"   a | l     l         |        |        |       |       |
"   b | b     -  -  b   | +Pu    | +eb+Eb |       |       |
"   c | l     b         | +u     |        |       |       |
"   d | b     b  b      |        |        |       |       |
"   e | Pl          Pl  |        | +l+Pu  |       |       |
"   f | b(eb) - - b     |        |        |       | /u    | zsh:+el
"   g |                 |        |        |       |       |
"   h | b(el) - - b(el) | /u     |        |       |       | sh:/u+eu
"   i | l     l  -  l   |        |        |       |       |
"   j |                 |        |        |       |       |
"   k |                 |        |        |       |       |
"   l | l               | +Pu    |        |       |       | make:+u
"   m | l     l         | /[in]m | +u     |       |       |
"   n | l               | /l+u   |        | /l    | /l    |
"   o | l               |        |        |       |       |
"   p | -     -  -  b   | +el    |        |       |       |
"   q | b(eb)           | +Pl    |        |       |       |
"   r |                 | +u     |        |       |       |
"   s | l(el) - - b     | +u     | +u     |       | +u+eu | make,perl,zsh:+u
"   t | b(el) - - l     | +eu    |        |       |       |
"   u | l     -  -  b   |        |        | +u    | +u    |
"   v |                 |        |        |       |       |
"   w | b     -  -  b   |        |        |       |       |
"   x |                 |        |        |       |       |
"   y | l     l  l      |        |        |       |       |
"   z |                 |        |        |       |       |
" ' " | b               | /b     |        |       |       |
" ; : | 1               |        |        |       |       |
" , . | b     2  - 1    |        |        | +e2   |       |
" ? ! |                 |        |        |       |       |
" < > |                 | +b     |        | +b+eb | +1    |
" - _ |                 | +1     |        | +b    |       |
" @ / | b               |        |        |       |       |
"   = |                 |        |        |       |       |
"{{{4 insert 
inoremap ,<SPACE>     ,<SPACE>
inoremap ,<Esc>       ,
inoremap ,<BS>        <Nop>
inoremap ,ef           <C-o>I{<C-m><C-o>o}<C-o>O
inoremap ,eF            <C-m>{<C-m><C-o>o}<C-o>O
inoremap ,F              {<C-o>o}<C-o>O
inoremap ,f               {}<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,h               []<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,s               ()<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,u            <LT>><C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,es               (<C-\><C-o>E<C-o>a)<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,H           [[::]]<C-o>F:
inoremap ,eh            [::]<C-o>F:
inoremap ,,                \
inoremap ,.           <C-o>==
inoremap ,w           <C-o>w
inoremap ,W           <C-o>W
inoremap ,b           <C-o>b
inoremap ,B           <C-o>B
inoremap ,a           <C-o>A
inoremap ,i           <C-o>I
inoremap ,l           <C-o>o
inoremap ,o           <C-o>O
inoremap ,dw          <C-o>"zdaw
inoremap ,p           <C-o>"zp
inoremap ,P           <C-o>"zP
inoremap ,yw          <C-o>"zyaw
inoremap ,y           <C-o>"zy
inoremap ,d           <C-o>"zd
inoremap ,D           <C-o>"_d
inoremap ,c           <C-o>:call<SPACE>NERDComment(0,"toggle")<C-m>
inoremap ,ec          <C-o>:call<SPACE>NERDComment(0,"toEOL")<C-m>
inoremap ,t                                <C-r>=Tr3transliterate(input("Translit: "))<C-m>
inoremap ,T           <C-o>b<C-o>"tdiw<C-r><C-r>=Tr3transliterate(@t)<C-m>
inoremap ,et          <C-o>B<C-o>"tdiW<C-r><C-r>=Tr3transliterate(@t)<C-m>
inoremap ,/            <C-x><C-f>
inoremap ,@                 <C-o>:w!<C-m>
inoremap ,;                 <C-o>%
inoremap ,m           <C-\><C-o>:call system("make &")<C-m>
inoremap ,n           \<C-m>
inoremap ,q           «»<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,Q           „“<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,eq          “”<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,eQ          ‘’<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,"           ""<C-\><C-o>h
inoremap ,'           ''<C-\><C-o>h

"{{{4 visual 
vnoremap ,y                "zy
vnoremap ,d                "zd
vnoremap ,D                "_d
vnoremap ,p                "zp

"{{{4 command 
cnoremap ,s                ()<Left>
cnoremap ,S              \(\)<Left><Left>
cnoremap ,U           \<LT>\><Left><Left>
cnoremap ,u             <LT>><Left>
cnoremap ,F               \{}<Left>
cnoremap ,f                {}<Left>
cnoremap ,h                []<Left>
cnoremap ,H            [[::]]<Left><Left><Left>
cnoremap ,eh             [::]<Left><Left>
cnoremap ,i                  <Home>
cnoremap ,a                  <End>
cnoremap ,,                \
cnoremap ,.           <C-r>:
cnoremap ,p           <C-r>"
cnoremap ,P           <C-r>+
cnoremap ,z           <C-r>z
cnoremap ,t           <C-r>=Tr3transliterate(input("Translit: "))<C-m>
cnoremap ,b           <C-Left>
cnoremap ,w           <C-Right>
cnoremap ,B           <C-Left>
cnoremap ,W           <C-Right>

"{{{4 normal 
nnoremap ,C                     :!
nnoremap ,c           :call<SPACE>NERDComment(0,"toggle")<C-m>
nnoremap ,d           "_
nnoremap ,D           "_d
nnoremap ,m           :call system("make &")<C-m>
nnoremap ,a           $
nnoremap ,i           ^
nnoremap ,,           ==
nnoremap ,y           "zy
nnoremap ,p           "zp
nnoremap ,P           "zP

"{{{1 Functions 

" vim: ft=vim:fenc=utf-8:ts=4
ответ дан 23 November 2019 в 21:42

Вот мой! Спасибо, что поделились. Вы можете найти другие материалы о плагинах для vim здесь: http://github.com/ametaireau/dotfiles/

Надеюсь, это поможет.

" My .vimrc configuration file.
" =============================
" Plugins
" -------
" Comes with a set of utilities to enhance the user experience.
" Django and python snippets are possible thanks to the snipmate
" plugin.
" A also uses taglist and NERDTree vim plugins.
" Shortcuts
" ----------
" Here are some shortcuts I like to use when editing text using VIM:
" <alt-left/right> to navigate trough tabs
" <ctrl-e> to display the explorator
" <ctrl-p> for the code explorator
" <ctrl-space> to autocomplete
" <ctrl-n> enter tabnew to open a new file
" <alt-h> highlight the lines of more than 80 columns
" <ctrl-h> set textwith to 80 cols
" <maj-k> when on a python file, open the related pydoc documentation
" ,v and ,V to show/edit and reload the vimrc configuration file

colorscheme evening 
syntax on                       " syntax highlighting
filetype on                     " to consider filetypes ...
filetype plugin on              " ... and in plugins
set directory=~/.vim/swp        " store the .swp files in a specific path
set expandtab                   " enter spaces when tab is pressed
set tabstop=4                   " use 4 spaces to represent tab
set softtabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4                " number of spaces to use for auto indent
set autoindent                  " copy indent from current line on new line
set number                      " show line numbers
set backspace=indent,eol,start  " make backspaces more powerful 
set ruler                       " show line and column number
set showcmd                     " show (partial) command in status line
set incsearch                   " highlight search
set noignorecase
set infercase
set nowrap

" shortcuts
map <c-n> :tabnew 
map <silent><c-e> :NERDTreeToggle <cr>
map <silent><c-p> :TlistToggle <cr>
nnoremap <a-right> gt
nnoremap <a-left>  gT
command W w !sudo tee % > /dev/null
map <buffer> K :execute "!pydoc " . expand("<cword>")<CR>
map <F2> :set textwidth=80 <cr>
" Replace trailing slashes
map <F3> :%s/\s\+$//<CR>:exe ":echo'trailing slashes removes'"<CR>
map <silent><F6> :QFix<CR>

" edit vim quickly
map ,v :sp ~/.vimrc<CR><C-W>_
map <silent> ,V :source ~/.vimrc<CR>:filetype detect<CR>:exe ":echo'vimrc reloaded'"<CR> 

" configure expanding of tabs for various file types
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.py set expandtab
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.c set noexpandtab
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.h set noexpandtab
au BufRead,BufNewFile Makefile* set noexpandtab

" remap CTRL+N to CTRL + space
inoremap <Nul> <C-n>

" Omnifunc completers
autocmd FileType python set omnifunc=pythoncomplete#Complete

" Tlist configuration
let Tlist_GainFocus_On_ToggleOpen = 1
let Tlist_Close_On_Select = 0
let Tlist_Auto_Update = 1
let Tlist_Process_File_Always = 1
let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
let Tlist_WinWidth = 40
let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
let Tlist_Show_Menu = 0
let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0
let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = '/usr/bin/ctags'
let tlist_css_settings = 'css;e:SECTIONS'

" NerdTree configuration
let NERDTreeIgnore = ['\.pyc$', '\.pyo$']

" Highlight more than 80 columns lines on demand
nnoremap <silent><F1>
\    :if exists('w:long_line_match') <Bar>
\        silent! call matchdelete(w:long_line_match) <Bar>
\        unlet w:long_line_match <Bar>
\    elseif &textwidth > 0 <Bar>
\        let w:long_line_match = matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%>'.&tw.'v.\+', -1) <Bar>
\    else <Bar>
\        let w:long_line_match = matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%>80v.\+', -1) <Bar>
\    endif<CR>

command -bang -nargs=? QFix call QFixToggle(<bang>0)
function! QFixToggle(forced)
  if exists("g:qfix_win") && a:forced == 0
    unlet g:qfix_win
    copen 10
    let g:qfix_win = bufnr("$")
ответ дан 23 November 2019 в 21:42
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