Чтение файла Excel в PHP

Источник этого jsFiddle

print("Python 3.4 Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion program."'\n')

def Celsius():
  fahrenheit = float(input("Enter the temperature in Fahrenheit."'\n'))
  print("You entered %s degrees."'\n' % fahrenheit)
  celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * 5 / 9
  print("The temperature is %d celsius")% celsius


задан Kangel 24 February 2017 в 06:18

4 ответа

Я использую PHP-ExcelReader для чтения xls файлов, и работает отлично.

ответ дан meagar 24 November 2019 в 06:19

У Вас есть 2 варианта насколько я знаю:

  1. Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader, который знает двоичный формат Office 2003
  2. PHPExcel, который знает оба Office 2003, а также Excel 2007 (XML). (Перейдите по ссылке, и Вы будете видеть, что они обновили эту библиотеку до PHPSpreadSheet)

, PHPExcel использует Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader для формата Office 2003.

Обновление: Я когда-то должен был считать некоторые файлы Excel, но я использовал формат Office 2003 XML, чтобы считать их и сказал людям, которые использовали приложение, чтобы сохранить и загрузить только что тип файла Excel.

ответ дан Nguyen Tan Dat 24 November 2019 в 06:19

я использовал следующий код читать "xls и xlsx":

включают 'PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';

$location ='sample-excel-files.xlsx';

    $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($location);
    $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);
    $total_rows = $sheet->getHighestRow();
    $total_columns = $sheet->getHighestColumn();
    for($row =2; $row <= $total_rows; $row++) {
        $singlerow = $sheet->rangeToArray('A' . $row . ':' . $total_columns . $row, NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
            $set_excel_query['opus_transaction_date']= date('Y-m-d', PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($single_row[4]));
            $set_excel_query['upload_date']= date('Y-m-d', PHPExcel_Shared_Date::ExcelToPHP($single_row[14]));

ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 06:19

Я использую ниже URL файла Excel: https://Вывод github.com/inventorbala/Sample-Excel-files/blob/master/sample-excel-files.xlsx


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                [mobile_num] => 4052380136
                [opus_amount] => 75
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -75
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: We need RQ4 transaction for October.  If you're unable to provide the October invoice, it will be counted as EPin shortage.
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

        [1] => Array
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                [difference] => -50
                [ocomment] => No Response.  Re-Upload
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

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                [opus_amount] => 100
                [rq4_amount] => 50
                [difference] => -50
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: We have been charged in opus for $100. Provide RQ4 invoice number for remaining amount
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

        [3] => Array
                [store_id] => 3264
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                [ocomment] => No Response.  Re-Upload
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-20

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                [opus_amount] => 40
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -40
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: The invoice number that you provided (I4166IN2481) belongs to September transaction.  We need RQ4 transaction for October.  If you're unable to provide the October invoice, it will be counted as EPin shortage.
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [5] => Array
                [store_id] => 4508
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                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -30
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: The invoice number you provided (M4508IN7217) belongs to a different phone number.  We need RQ4 transaction for the phone number in question.  If you're unable to provide the RQ4 invoice for this transaction, it will be counted as EPin shortage.
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [6] => Array
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                [mobile_num] => 3365982631
                [opus_amount] => 90
                [rq4_amount] => 45
                [difference] => -45
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Please email the details to Treasury and confirm
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [7] => Array
                [store_id] => 1820
                [employee_uid] => 59883
                [opus_id] => cb9406
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                [opus_amount] => 25
                [rq4_amount] => 5
                [difference] => -20
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: We have been charged in opus for $25. Provide RQ4 invoice number for remaining amount
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-21

        [8] => Array
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                [employee_uid] => 572547
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                [mobile_num] => 4322133450
                [opus_amount] => 45
                [rq4_amount] => 0
                [difference] => -45
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Please email the details to Treasury and confirm
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-22

        [9] => Array
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                [employee_uid] => 7842
                [opus_id] => lm854y
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                [mobile_num] => 9374092680
                [opus_amount] => 30
                [rq4_amount] => 40
                [difference] => 10
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Credit the remaining balance to customers account in OPUS and email confirmation to Treasury
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-22

 [63] => Array
                [store_id] => 0175
                [employee_uid] => 33738
                [opus_id] => ph5953
                [item_description] => PRE ATT $40 RTR
                [opus_transaction_date] => 2019-10-21
                [opus_transaction_num] => XE5N31DJL51RA
                [opus_invoice_num] => T0175IN4563
                [customer_name] => WILLIE TAYLOR
                [mobile_num] => 6822701188
                [opus_amount] => 40
                [rq4_amount] => 50
                [difference] => 10
                [ocomment] => Re-Upload: Credit the remaining balance to customers account in OPUS and email confirmation to Treasury
                [mark_delete] => 0
                [upload_date] => 2019-10-22

ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 06:19
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