Найдите классы доступными в Модуле

Это слишком долго для комментариев, поэтому я публикую это как ответ. Я хочу отметить, что это статический пример, но я надеюсь, что его можно легко перевести как динамическое утверждение.

Шаги записываются как комментарии в утверждении:

WITH rcte AS
   -- Recursive query to generate all numbers from 1 to 4
   SELECT 0 AS Number
   SELECT Number + 1
   FROM rcte
   WHERE Number < 4
), permutations AS (
   -- All possible permutations with sum equal to 4
   -- There is additional column DuplicateMarker. 
   -- It will be used later, because 0,0,0,4 and 0,4,0,0 are the same
      t1.Number AS Number1,
      t2.Number AS Number2,
      t3.Number AS Number3,
      t4.Number AS Number4,
      CONCAT(LTRIM(STR(t1.Number)), '.', LTRIM(STR(t2.Number)), '.', LTRIM(STR(t3.Number)), '.', LTRIM(STR(t4.Number))) AS DuplicateMarker
   FROM rcte t1, rcte t2, rcte t3, rcte t4
   WHERE (t1.Number + t2.Number + t3.Number + t4.Number) = 4
), duplicates AS (
   -- Get data with splitted DuplicateMarker column
   FROM permutations
   CROSS APPLY (SELECT [value] FROM STRING_SPLIT(DuplicateMarker, '.')) t
), results AS (
   -- Get unique combinations
   -- WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY) will order strings and and will be the same
   SELECT DISTINCT STRING_AGG([value], '.') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY [value]) AS ScenarioValue
   FROM duplicates
   GROUP BY Number1, Number2, Number3, Number4
   DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY r.ScenarioValue) AS ScenarioID,
FROM results r
CROSS APPLY (SELECT [value] FROM STRING_SPLIT(r.ScenarioValue, '.')) s
WHERE [value] <> '0'


ScenarioID  value
1           4
2           1
2           3
3           2
3           2
4           1
4           1
4           2
5           1
5           1
5           1
5           1


Благодаря комментарию @ AndriyM я сделал некоторые изменения и теперь вы можете исключить манипуляции со строками:

WITH rcte AS
   -- Recursive query to generate all numbers from 0 to 4
   SELECT 0 AS Number
   SELECT Number + 1
   FROM rcte
   WHERE Number < 4
), combinations AS (
   -- All different combinations with sum equal to 4
      t1.Number AS Number1,
      t2.Number AS Number2,
      t3.Number AS Number3,
      t4.Number AS Number4,
      ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY t1.Number, t2.Number, t3.Number, t4.NUmber) AS ScenarioID
   FROM rcte t1, rcte t2, rcte t3, rcte t4
      ((t1.Number + t2.Number + t3.Number + t4.Number) = 4) AND
      (t1.Number <= t2.Number) AND
      (t2.Number <= t3.Number) AND 
      (t3.Number <= t4.Number)
SELECT c.ScenarioID, v.[value]
FROM combinations c
CROSS APPLY (VALUES (c.NUmber1), (c.Number2), (c.Number3), (c.Number4)) AS v ([value])
WHERE v.[value] > 0

Обновление 2:

Подход с использованием динамического оператора - возможно, не лучший подход, но основан на утверждении из первого обновления: [1110 ]

-- Set your @n value
DECLARE @n int
SET @n = 4

-- Declarations
DECLARE @combinationsSelect nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @combinationsRowNumber nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @combinationsFrom nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @combinationsWhere1 nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @combinationsWhere2 nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @combinationsValues nvarchar(max)

SET @combinationsSelect = N''
SET @combinationsRowNumber = N''
SET @combinationsFrom = N''
SET @combinationsValues = N''
SET @combinationsWhere1 = N''
SET @combinationsWhere2 = N''

-- Generate dynamic parts of the statement
;WITH numbers AS
   SELECT 1 AS Number
   SELECT Number + 1
   FROM Numbers
   WHERE Number < @n
    @combinationsSelect = @combinationsSelect + N', t' + LTRIM(STR(Number)) + N'.Number AS Number' + LTRIM(STR(Number)),
    @combinationsRowNumber = @combinationsRowNumber + N', t' + LTRIM(STR(Number)) + N'.Number',
    @combinationsValues = @combinationsValues + N', (c.Number' + LTRIM(STR(Number)) + N')',
    @combinationsFrom = @combinationsFrom + N', rcte t' + LTRIM(STR(Number)),
    @combinationsWhere1 = @combinationsWhere1 + N'+ t' + LTRIM(STR(Number)) + N'.Number ',
    @combinationsWhere2 = @combinationsWhere2 + 
            WHEN Number = 1 THEN N''
            ELSE N'AND (t' + LTRIM(STR(Number-1)) + N'.Number <= t' +  + LTRIM(STR(Number)) + N'.Number) '
SET @combinationsSelect = STUFF(@combinationsSelect, 1, 2, N'')
SET @combinationsRowNumber = STUFF(@combinationsRowNumber, 1, 2, N'')
SET @combinationsValues = STUFF(@combinationsValues, 1, 2, N'')
SET @combinationsFrom = STUFF(@combinationsFrom, 1, 2, N'')
SET @combinationsWhere1 = STUFF(@combinationsWhere1, 1, 2, N'')
SET @combinationsWhere2 = STUFF(@combinationsWhere2, 1, 4, N'')

-- Dynamic statement
DECLARE @stm nvarchar(max)
SET @stm =
    N'WITH rcte AS (
       SELECT 0 AS Number
       UNION ALL 
       SELECT Number + 1
       FROM rcte
       WHERE Number < ' + LTRIM(STR(@n)) +
    N'), combinations AS (
       SELECT ' + 
          @combinationsSelect +
          N', ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ' + @combinationsRowNumber + N') AS ScenarioID
       FROM ' + @combinationsFrom +
       N' WHERE ((' + @combinationsWhere1 + N') = ' + LTRIM(STR(@n)) + ') AND ' + @combinationsWhere2 + 
    SELECT c.ScenarioID, v.[value]
    FROM combinations c
    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ' + @combinationsValues + N') AS v ([value])
    WHERE v.[value] > 0'

-- Execute dynamic statement
EXEC (@stm)
задан the Tin Man 21 April 2015 в 18:46

2 ответа

Classes are accessed through constants. Classes defined within a module are listed as constants in that module. So you just need to choose the constants that refer to classes.

MyModule.constants.select {|c| MyModule.const_get(c).is_a? Class}
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 13:50

Если Вы находитесь на направляющих, необходимо получить доступ к константам сначала, чтобы они обнаружились, потому что они лениво загружаются.

MyModule::NotAClass = "not a class"

MyModule.constants => [:NotAClass]

MyModule::AClass => :AClass # Access class for it to be autoloaded

MyModule.constants => [:AClass, :NotAClass]

# Now, select the constants which are class instances

        .select { |constant| constant.is_a? Class} 

 => [MyModule::AClass]**
ответ дан 24 November 2019 в 13:50