Список файлов в корзине

Взгляните на io.BytesIO . Это позволяет вам оборачивать байтовые массивы в поток, который вы можете передать в minio.


import io
from minio import Minio

value = "Some text I want to upload"
value_as_bytes = value.encode('utf-8')
value_as_a_stream = io.BytesIO(value_as_bytes)

client = Minio("my-url-here", ...) # Edit this bit to connect to your Minio server
client.put_object("my_bucket", "my_key", value_as_a_stream , file_size=len(value_as_bytes))

задан Werner Henze 21 November 2013 в 07:52

1 ответ

Я нашел этот сценарий здесь. И используйте эту команду от моего пакетного файла для вызова его

cscript recyclebin.vbs >> "logs\recyclebin.txt"

Сохраните следующее как recyclebin.vbs:

Option Explicit

Dim g_objWshShell, g_objFSO, g_sLogFile, g_objWshNetwork, g_sScriptName, g_sComputerName, g_sUserName
Dim g_sVer, g_objLogFile, g_sLogDir

'Setup main variables and objects
Set g_objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")     'Create a Shell Object
Set g_objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")     'create a File System Object
Set g_objWshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network") 'Create Network Object
g_sComputerName = g_objWshNetwork.Computername                'Gets machine Computer name
g_sUserName = g_objWshNetwork.UserName                        'Gets logged-on username
g_sScriptName=UCase(WScript.ScriptName)                       '*** Name of the script

' *** START LogFile Information - use Delete or Append info below; don't use both ***
Const FORREADING = 1, FORWRITING = 2, FORAPPENDING = 8        'Setup constants for writing, appending, etc
g_sLogDir = "C:\TEMP"
If Not (g_objFSO.FolderExists(g_sLogDir)) Then
End If
g_sLogFile = g_sLogDir & "\" & Left(g_sScriptName, Len(g_sScriptName) - 3) & "LOG" 'Makes log file the SCRIPTNAME.Log
g_sVer = "1.0"

'To delete a logfile and create a new one each time script is ran
If g_objFSO.FileExists(g_sLogFile) Then
    g_objFSO.DeleteFile(g_sLogFile) 'Delete logfile if it exists.
End If
Set g_objLogFile = g_objFSO.CreateTextFile(g_sLogFile, FORWRITING) 'Setup the logfile for writing

Call Main()
Call ExitScript()

'Start main script HERE ***
Sub Main()
    Dim objRecycleBin, objFolderItems, objItem, strSpecialFolderName
    strSpecialFolderName = "Recycle Bin"
    'Call WriteLine("Starting " & g_sScriptName & " at " & Date & " " & Time, g_objLogFile)
    Set objRecycleBin = GetSpecialFolderObject(strSpecialFolderName)    'Get Special Folder based upon input name
    Set objFolderItems = objRecycleBin.Items()                'Get items within Recycle Bin
    For Each objItem In objFolderItems                        'Delete all items within Special Folder
        If (objItem.Type = "File Folder") Then                'Check for file type
            g_objFSO.DeleteFolder(objItem.Path)               'Delete Folders
            g_objFSO.DeleteFile(objItem.Path)                 'Delete Files
        End If
        WScript.Echo "Deleted " & objItem.Name
End Sub

'*-*-*-*-*- Start Subroutines here *-*-*-*-*-
'Returns SpecialFolder based upon name of folder
Function GetSpecialFolderObject(NameOfFolder)
    Dim objShellApp, i, objSpecialFolder
    Set objShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
    On Error Resume Next
    For i=0 To 40   '40 is highest value for special folders
        Set objSpecialFolder = objShellApp.NameSpace(i)
        If (StrComp(objSpecialFolder.Title, NameOfFolder, vbTextCompare) = 0) Then
            Set GetSpecialFolderObject = objSpecialFolder
            Exit For
        End If
End Function

'Closes logfile and exits script
Sub ExitScript()
    'Call WriteLine(Date & " " & Time & "; Completed " & g_sScriptName, g_objLogFile)
    If IsObject(g_objLogFile) Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub EndOnError(sErrorString)
    WScript.Echo sErrorString & vbCrLf & "Check " & Chr(34) & g_sLogFile & Chr(34) & " for details"
    Call WriteLine (sErrorString, g_objLogFile)
End Sub

'Shows usage if input is wrong
Sub ShowUsage()
    WScript.Echo g_sScriptName & " v" & g_sVer & " Empties Recycle Bin for logged on user" & vbCrLf _
        & vbCrLf & "USAGE: [CSCRIPT] " & g_sScriptName
End Sub

'Writes to log
Sub WriteLine(ByVal strMessage, ByVal objFile)
    On Error Resume Next
    If IsObject(objFile) Then        'objFile should be a file object
        objFile.WriteLine strMessage
        Call Wscript.Echo(strMessage)
    End If
End Sub
ответ дан 17 December 2019 в 04:52
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