Вскакивание в архитектуру N-Tier с WCF?

, чтобы получить все столбцы, используйте:

dtf.columns.tolist ()

, тогда у вас есть их список, и вы можете объединить их, как вам нравится.

задан BikeMrown 21 April 2009 в 20:05

5 ответов

I recently started using WCF services for my Data Layer in some web applications and I must say, it's frustrating at the beginning (the first week or so), but it is totally worth it once the code is deployed.

You should first try it out with a small existing app, or maybe a proof of concept to make sure it will fit your needs.

From the description of the environment you are in, I'm sure you'll realize the benefit almost immediately.

ответ дан 9 December 2019 в 20:48

First of all, I would definitely not (sorry for the emphasis) worry about the time you'll save using typed DataSet's versus creating your own business objects. That is usually not where you will spend most of your development time. I prefer using business objects myself.

In you're situation I would want to implement a proof-of-concept first. One that addresses all issues you may encounter. This proof-of-concept should implement an entire use case, starting on the client, retrieving data from the database and returning it to the client. You should feel confident about your implementation before continuing.

Then about choice of technology. WCF is definitely a good choice for communication between your client applications and the service layer. I suppose that both your clients as well as your service layer will become C# applications? That makes things a lot easier since interoperability between different platforms (Java/C# for example) is still not trivial although it should work in most cases.

ответ дан 9 December 2019 в 20:48

The last company I worked for chose WCF for almost the exact reason you describe above. There is lots of good documentation and books for WCF, its relatively easy to get working, and WCF supports a lot of configuration options.

There can be some headaches when you start trying to bend WCF to work in a way not specifically designed out of the box. These are generally configuration issues. But sites like this or IDesign can help you through those.

ответ дан 9 December 2019 в 20:48

Take a look at Entity Framework (as there are a couple Oracle providers available for it already) in conjunction with .NET 3.5 SP1 which enables built-in WCF serialization of your EF generated classes.

Here is a good blog to get started: http://blogs.msdn.com/dsimmons

ответ дан 9 December 2019 в 20:48

CSLA может хорошо подойти для ваших настольных приложений N-уровня. Он поддерживает WCF, имеет большое сообщество разработчиков и хорошо документирован. Это очень объектно-ориентированный.

ответ дан 9 December 2019 в 20:48
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