Динамично Созданные Регулярные выражения работают чрезвычайно медленный!

Приведение Double к Int будет работать как написано. Проблема в том, что по какой-то причине во время выполнения self.motion.magnetometerData имеет значение nil, поэтому tmp становится nil.

Обычно лучше безопасно развернуть дополнительные компоненты, такие как:

let tmp = self.motion.magnetometerData?.magneticField.x
if let tmpValue = tmp {
    let tmpInt = Int(tmpValue)
    print(tmpInt) //And whatever else

Или, если вы не хотите продолжать, если в итоге получится ноль, используйте охранник:

[111 ]
задан Nicholas Mancuso 29 April 2009 в 19:57

6 ответов

You are parsing a 50 column CSV file (that uses tabs) with regex?

You should just remove duplicate tabs, then split the text on \t. Now you have all of your columns in an array. You can use your ColumnDef object collection to tell you what each column is.

Edit: Once you have things split up, you could optionally use regex to verify each value, this should be much faster than using the giant single regex.

Edit2: You also get an additional benefit of knowing exactly what column(s) is badly formated and you can produce an error like "Sytax error in column 30 on line 12, expected date format."

ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 07:32

Having a potential of 50 match groups in a single expression by default is going to be a bit slow. I would do a few things to see if you can pin down the performance setback.

  1. Start by trying a hard coded, vs dynamic comparison and see if you have any performance benefit.
  2. Look at your requirements and see if there is any way you can reduce the number of groupings that you need to evaluate
  3. Use a profiler tool if needed, such as Ants Profiler to see the location of the slowdown.
ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 07:32

Well. Building the pattern using a StringBuilder will save a few cycles, compared to concatenating them.

An optimization on this that is drastic (can be visibly measured) is most likely going to be doing this through some other method.

Regular expressions are slow ... powerful but slow. Parsing through a text-file and then comparing using regular expressions just to retrieve the right bits of data is not going to be very quick (dependent on the host computer and size of text file).

Perhaps storing the data in some other method rather than a large text file would be more efficient to parse (use XML for that as well?), or perhaps a comma separated list.

ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 07:32

I would just build a lexer by hand.

In this case it looks like you have a bunch of fields seperated by tabs, with a record terminated by a new line. The XML file appears to describe the sequence of columns, and their types.

Writing code to recognize each case by hand is probably 5-10 lines of code at the worst case.

You would then want to simply generate an arraay of PrimitiveType[] values from the xml file, and then call the "GetValues" function below.

This should allow you to make a single pass through the input stream, which should give a big boost over using regexes.

You'll need to supply the "ScanXYZ" methods your self. They should be easy to write. It's best to implement them w/out using regexes.

public IEnumerable<object[]> GetValues(TextReader reader, PrimitiveType[] schema)
   while (reader.Peek() > 0)
       var values = new object[schema.Length];
       for (int i = 0; i < schema.Length; ++i)
           switch (schema[i])
               case PrimitiveType.BIT:
                   values[i] = ScanBit(reader);
               case PrimitiveType.DATE:
                   values[i] = ScanDate(reader);
               case PrimitiveType.FLOAT:
                   values[i] = ScanFloat(reader);
               case PrimitiveType.INTEGER:
                   values[i] = ScanInt(reader);
               case PrimitiveType.STRING:
                   values[i] = ScanString(reader);


       if (reader.Peek() == '\n')

   if (reader.Peek() == '\n')
   else if (reader.Peek() >= 0)
       throw new Exception("Extra junk detected!");

   yield return values;


ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 07:32

Some performance thoughts:

  • use [01] instead of (0|1)
  • use non-capturing groups (?:expr) instead of capturing groups (if you really need grouping)

Edit As it seems that your values are separated by whitespace, why don’t you split it up there?

ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 07:32

Regular expression are expensive to create and are even more expensive if you compile them. So the problem is that you are creating many regular expressions but use them only once.

You should cache them for reuse and relly don't compile them if you don't want to use them really often. I have never meassured that, but I could imagine that you will have to use a simple regular expression well over 100 times to outweight the cost of the compilation.

Performance test

  • Regex: "^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[a-z]{2}|com|org|net|gov|mil|biz|info|mobi|name|aero|jobs|museum)$"

  • Input: "www.stackoverflow.com"

  • Results in milliseconds per iteration

    • one regex, compiled, 10,000 iterations: 0.0018 ms
    • one regex, not compiled, 10,000 iterations: 0.0021 ms
    • one regex per iteration, not compiled, 10,000 iterations: 0.0287 ms
    • one regex per iteration, compiled, 10,000 iterations: 4.8144 ms

Note that even after 10,000 iterations the compiled and uncompiled regex are still very close together comparing their performance. With increasing number of iterations the compiled regex performs better.

  • one regex, compiled, 1,000,000 iterations: 0.00137 ms
  • one regex, not compiled, 1,000,000 iterations: 0.00225 ms
ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 07:32
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