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Обратитесь к OAuth2 «неявному потоку», где сервер авторизации напрямую передает маркер доступа браузеру в хэш-фрагменте URL. Хеш-фрагменты никогда не отправляются на внутренний сервер. Однако «неявный поток» не так защищен, как поток «кода авторизации».

задан Botz3000 30 April 2009 в 21:00

2 ответа

It turned out that even if i was raising an event before removing them, they would get removed instantly anyway. So as i was using it as an observable stack, i worked around this by leaving the removed element in the collection and removing it later. like this:

public class ObservableStack<T> : ObservableCollection<T> 
    private T collapsed;
    public event EventHandler BeforePop;

    public T Peek() {
        if (collapsed != null) {
            collapsed = default(T);
        return this.FirstOrDefault();

    public T Pop() {
        if (collapsed != null) { Remove(collapsed); }
        T result = (collapsed = this.FirstOrDefault());
        if (BeforePop != null && result != null) BeforePop(this, new EventArgs());
        return result;

    public void Push(T item) {
        if (collapsed != null) {
            collapsed = default(T);
        Insert(0, item);

Might not be the best solution, but it does the job (at least if i only use it as a stack).

ответ дан 14 December 2019 в 13:46

I don't have access to a code window at the moment so this is a little off the cuff, but could you extend the FrameworkElement with an Unloading event, then initiate that from CollectionChanged in an ObservableCollection. It means using a custom ObservableColleciton and custom FrameworkElement class but it could offer you what you need?

ответ дан 14 December 2019 в 13:46
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