Как установить java.library.path от Eclipse

Я использую следующее, чтобы объединить изменения из двух веток (моей и вашей) и синхронизировать обе ветви для продолжения работы. Кажется, это работает. Кто-нибудь видит проблему с этим?

git checkout mine # make sure I'm on my branch
git commit -a     # commit changes
git push origin mine  
git checkout yours # switch to your branch
git pull origin yours # get changes you've committed & pushed
git checkout mine 
git merge yours # merge your changes into mine
git push origin mine 
git checkout yours 
git rebase mine # set your branch to the merged result
git push origin yours # push the merged result up to your branch on origin
git checkout mine # get back to my branch
задан Janusz 29 March 2010 в 20:25

4 ответа

Don't mess with the library path! Eclipse builds it itself!

Instead, go into the library settings for your projects and, for each jar/etc that requires a native library, expand it in the Libraries tab. In the tree view there, each library has items for source/javadoc and native library locations.

Specifically: select Project, right click -> Properties / Java Build Path / Libraries tab, select a .jar, expand it, select Native library location, click Edit, folder chooser dialog will appear)

Messing with the library path on the command line should be your last ditch effort, because you might break something that is already properly set by eclipse.

Native library location

ответ дан 23 November 2019 в 04:44

For a given application launch, you can do it as jim says.

If you want to set it for the entire workspace, you can also set it under

      Installed JREs

Each JRE has a "Default VM arguments" (which I believe are completely ignored if any VM args are set for a run configuration.)

You could even set up different JRE/JDKs with different parameters and have some projects use one, other projects use another.

ответ дан 23 November 2019 в 04:44

Если вы добавляете его в качестве аргумента виртуальной машины, убедитесь, что вы добавили к нему префикс -D :

ответ дан 23 November 2019 в 04:44

Нажмите "Выполнить"
Нажмите "Отладка" ...
Новое приложение Java
Перейдите на вкладку "Аргументы"
во втором поле (аргументы VM) добавьте запись -D

-Xdebug -verbose:gc -Xbootclasspath/p:jar/vbjorb.jar;jar/oracle9.jar;classes;jar/mq.jar;jar/xml4j.jar -classpath -DORBInitRef=NameService=iioploc://  

и т. д.

ответ дан 23 November 2019 в 04:44
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