Потокобезопасность классов шифрования.NET?

urllib2 имеет функции, называемые build_opener() и install_opener(), которые вы должны использовать, чтобы высмеивать поведение urlopen()

import urllib2
from StringIO import StringIO

def mock_response(req):
    if req.get_full_url() == "http://example.com":
        resp = urllib2.addinfourl(StringIO("mock file"), "mock message", req.get_full_url())
        resp.code = 200
        resp.msg = "OK"
        return resp

class MyHTTPHandler(urllib2.HTTPHandler):
    def http_open(self, req):
        print "mock opener"
        return mock_response(req)

my_opener = urllib2.build_opener(MyHTTPHandler)

print response.read()
print response.code
print response.msg
задан Piotr Dobrogost 6 July 2009 в 16:05

1 ответ

1) Yes.

2) One you dispose of it, you cannot use it. Up until then, you can share/use it (but see below)

3-4) From MSDN:

"Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe. "

If you want to keep this around, and share it between threads, you'll need to implement locking and treat it as a locked resource. Otherwise, I'd recommend just making separate versions as needed, and disposing of them when you're done.

5) I would recommend creating these as needed, and then trying to optimize it if later you find you have a performance problem. Don't worry about the performance implications of creating a new version until you see that's its a problem after profiling.

ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 23:15
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