Как настроить публикацию в ASP.NET?

ApplicationContext - это контейнер Spring.

Он используется для соединения конфигураций из бинов Spring и использования их для приложения.

Используйте ApplicationContext, если вы хотите получить информацию о бобах Spring.

Используйте ServletContext, если вы хотите получить / установить атрибуты, общие для всех сервлетов.

задан derSteve 27 June 2009 в 16:31

3 ответа

Вы можете установить события до и после сборки, а также можете настроить запуск сценария для выполнения ваших задач.

ответ дан 7 December 2019 в 07:50

We deploy our web application with Subversion, and are very happy with it.

The build server compiles the application, copies it to a deploy directory and checks in changes to a Subversion repository. Okay, I admit that this is not trivial, but it's worth to invest here... because on the server(s) the deployment is now extremely easy. Advantages are:

  • Only the necessary files are copied to the server, the downtime is minimal (using svn update)
  • It's a piece of cake to verify what version is deployed to the server, and it's easy to have a consistent version across multiple web servers
  • If you screwed up, it's just 2 clicks to revert back to the previous version
  • It's takes care of deleting files when you deploy a new version. Copying a web application over an older version can leave potentially dangerous files
  • Modifications in the web.config are not overwritten by the deployment, they are merged. That's really a big plus
ответ дан 7 December 2019 в 07:50

You might look to see if the IIS Web Deployment Tool fits your scenario; it allows you to publish your website, configuration settings, database, etc... all together. This will also be integrated into Visual Studio 2010.

ответ дан 7 December 2019 в 07:50
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