LINQ к SQL с хранимыми процедурами и определяемой пользователем таблицей вводят параметр

Вот класс Python (3) помощника library , который я использую для упрощения файлового ввода-вывода:

import os

# handle files using a callback method, prevents repetition
def _FileIO__file_handler(file_path, mode, callback = lambda f: None):
  f = open(file_path, mode)
    return callback(f)
  except Exception as e:
    raise IOError("Failed to %s file" % ["write to", "read from"][mode.lower() in "r rb r+".split(" ")])

class FileIO:
  # return the contents of a file
  def read(file_path, mode = "r"):
    return __file_handler(file_path, mode, lambda rf:

  # get the lines of a file
  def lines(file_path, mode = "r", filter_fn = lambda line: len(line) > 0):
    return [line for line in, mode).strip().split("\n") if filter_fn(line)]

  # create or update a file (NOTE: can also be used to replace a file's original content)
  def write(file_path, new_content, mode = "w"):
    return __file_handler(file_path, mode, lambda wf: wf.write(new_content))

  # delete a file (if it exists)
  def delete(file_path):
    return os.remove() if os.path.isfile(file_path) else None

Затем вы бы использовали функцию FileIO.lines, например this:

file_ext_lines = FileIO.lines("./path/to/file.ext"):
for i, line in enumerate(file_ext_lines):
  print("Line {}: {}".format(i + 1, line))

Помните, что параметры mode (по умолчанию "r") и filter_fn (по умолчанию проверяет наличие пустых строк) являются необязательными.

Вы можете даже удалить методы read, write и delete и просто оставить FileIO.lines, или даже превратить его в отдельный метод, называемый read_lines.

задан casperOne 15 October 2011 в 15:46

1 ответ

I don't think there's anything available right now - table-valued parameters were introduced in SQL Server 2008 - after LINQ and LINQ2SQL were out already.

I haven't found any mention in any of the blog post about support for table-valued parameters in LINQ2SQL in .NET 4.0 so far.

Here's a blog post by Damien Guard on the fixes and improvement for Linq-to-SQL in the .NET 4.0 time frame.

Unfortunately, according to Damien, this feature isn't supported in .NET 3.5, and will not be supported in .NET 4.0 either :-(

Can't be done in 3.5 or 4.0 right now
:( [) amien

ответ дан 29 November 2019 в 21:54
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