Соглашения о присвоении имен для дополнительных пространств имен метода и классов спонсора

Массив . length Метод - это не количество элементов массива, а самый высокий индекс. даже когда элемент был установлен на undefined

var a = [];
a.length;   // === 0
a[10];      // === undefined
a[10] = undefined;
a.length;   // === 11
a.pop();    // === undefined
a.length;   // === 10

, это поведение вряд ли можно отличить от ошибки проектирования языка.

задан Milan Gardian 26 June 2009 в 20:16

2 ответа

For the Namespace - I would focus on the standard framework guidelines for namespace names. Put the extension methods into a namespace where they will typically be used/associated meaningfully, and avoid having an extra namespace just for this.

For the sponsor class - in this case, it's fairly unimportant. I would try to pick a class name that is meaningful, but there does not seem to be a fixed guideline.

The important thing here, though, is that the sponsor class is never really directly used/seen by the user of your extension methods. As long as the namespace has been included, the extension method is found correctly. I personally use something very similar to jrummell for my extension methods, but Microsoft does not follow this in the Framework (a good example of this is the Enumerable class).

ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 03:43

Я не видел никаких официальных рекомендаций, но я организовал свои классы расширений, такие как [NameSpace]. [ClassName] Extensions:

ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 03:43
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