Как я правильно храню отношения данных с устройством хранения данных Microsoft Azure Table?

Если Вы все еще хотите ввести.Add ().Remove (), сделайте foreach и т.д., можно рассматривать Список как регулярную "старую" Систему. Наборы. IList, так как этот интерфейс к счастью реализован List< T>.

И начиная со всех других отправленных ответов на этот вопрос показывает в значительной степени любой возможный способ создать экземпляр List< T> динамично, я покажу один последний способ сделать это. Я лично использую этот метод при создании универсальных экземпляров, когда я ничего действительно не знаю о типе во время компиляции, и тип должен быть передан как строка, возможно, прибывающая из файла конфигурации приложения. В этом примере T является Система. Строка для простоты, но это могло быть что-либо:

Type T = typeof ( string ); // replace with actual T
string typeName = string.Format (
  "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[{0}]], mscorlib", T.AssemblyQualifiedName );

IList list = Activator.CreateInstance ( Type.GetType ( typeName ) )
  as IList;

System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ( list != null ); //

list.Add ( "string 1" ); // new T
list.Add ( "string 2" ); // new T
foreach ( object item in list )
  Console.WriteLine ( "item: {0}", item );
задан Vyrotek 11 July 2009 в 23:48

2 ответа

There are a number of solutions to this - all with drawbacks of course :-)

  1. Use a simple mapping table as you would in an RDBMS. Each row would contain a Book key and a User key.

    Then, to find all Books for a User, you'd select the Book keys in the mapping table, and then for each of those keys, select the Book entity from the Books table. You'd be able to do the Book retrievals in parallel using async fetching, but even so, this solution obviously doesn't scale.

  2. Use a mapping table as above, but include all Book data you need in the mapping table too. This is the denormalised, or "duplicated data" solution you've already proposed with your OwnedBooks table.

    The main drawback of this method is that if you need to update any of the Book data, you will be potentially updating many entities - and as they live in a separate table to the Book itself, it won't be able to be completed in a single transaction/batch (and I'd imagine you'd use the User identity as the Partition key in the mapping table anyway, which already precludes a single batch update in that table).

  3. Store the Book keys joined in a single property of the User. Again, you've suggested this method already.

    This actually wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that Azure doesn't currently support "contains" type queries - ie, you can't search on a substring, so if you ever wanted to find out which Users owned a particular Book, this would be impossible. Interestingly, Google App Engine supports this fairly transparently in their storage system - and will index the list for you too. In any case, you'd still need to retrieve each Book's data with this method too.

  4. Use the "schemaless" nature of the Azure table storage to store associated Book keys as individual properties. Eg, one User entity may look like this:

    { Name: "User1", Book_4325: true, Book_5123: true }

    While another may look like this:

    { Name: "User2", Book_5346: true, Book_8753: true, Book_6135: true }

    Then if you did want to find all Users that own a particular Book you can select where that particular property is true (well, it just needs to exist really).

    The obvious drawbacks of this are that it's a little brittle, you need to fiddle with keys in property names, and you wouldn't be able to use the standard methods of StorageClient for this - you'd have to roll your own. Also, Azure only supports 255 properties on an entity. All that said, I think it would scale quite well - although I've never tried it.

Out of all these options, I'd say the one you were going to go with, option 2, would be the best, just for the fact that it's currently supported by Azure and you can typically achieve everything with fewer queries.

You'd just need to scrutinise your Use Cases to decide on how and when the data would be updated, considering that atomic transactions are out of the window. I can almost guarantee that you'd be able to live with things being "eventually consistent" and just account for the fact that your mapping table may not always be 100% up to date.

If it becomes too expensive to update the data in the mapping table at the same time as the primary table, you could put a message on a queue and get a worker role to perform the updates for you asynchronously.

ответ дан 29 November 2019 в 00:13

You don't. Here's a good, comprehesnive white paper (.docx link) on Azure Table that has a section on best practices. But, you should use Table for non-relational property-bag or ORM type design. If you want relational in the cloud, you should use SQL Azure Database.

Here's another good article on schema free storage versus relational. It's for a different schema free cloud storage offering, but the concepts are the same.

ответ дан 29 November 2019 в 00:13
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