Найти документы MongoDB, когда параметр пуст [дубликат]

Я придумал этот подход, который моделируется после перечислений в Java.

Вы можете определить перечисления следующим образом:

var Days = Enum.define("Days", ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]);

Days теперь относится к Days перечисление:

Days.Monday instanceof Days; // true

Days.Friday.name(); // "Friday"
Days.Friday.ordinal(); // 4

Days.Sunday === Days.Sunday; // true
Days.Sunday === Days.Friday; // false

Days.Sunday.toString(); // "Sunday"

Days.toString() // "Days { Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday } "

Days.values().map(function(e) { return e.name(); }); //["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]
Days.values()[4].name(); //"Friday"

Days.fromName("Thursday") === Days.Thursday // true
Days.fromName("Wednesday").name() // "Wednesday"
Days.Friday.fromName("Saturday").name() // "Saturday"


var Enum = (function () {
     * Function to define an enum
     * @param typeName - The name of the enum.
     * @param constants - The constants on the enum. Can be an array of strings, or an object where each key is an enum
     * constant, and the values are objects that describe attributes that can be attached to the associated constant.
    function define(typeName, constants) {

        /** Check Arguments **/
        if (typeof typeName === "undefined") {
            throw new TypeError("A name is required.");

        if (!(constants instanceof Array) && (Object.getPrototypeOf(constants) !== Object.prototype)) {

            throw new TypeError("The constants parameter must either be an array or an object.");

        } else if ((constants instanceof Array) && constants.length === 0) {

            throw new TypeError("Need to provide at least one constant.");

        } else if ((constants instanceof Array) && !constants.reduce(function (isString, element) {
                return isString && (typeof element === "string");
            }, true)) {

            throw new TypeError("One or more elements in the constant array is not a string.");

        } else if (Object.getPrototypeOf(constants) === Object.prototype && !Object.keys(constants).reduce(function (isObject, constant) {
                return Object.getPrototypeOf(constants[constant]) === Object.prototype;
            }, true)) {

            throw new TypeError("One or more constants do not have an associated object-value.");


        var isArray = (constants instanceof Array);
        var isObject = !isArray;

        /** Private sentinel-object used to guard enum constructor so that no one else can create enum instances **/
        function __() { };

        /** Dynamically define a function with the same name as the enum we want to define. **/
        var __enum = new Function(["__"],
            "return function " + typeName + "(sentinel, name, ordinal) {" +
                "if(!(sentinel instanceof __)) {" +
                    "throw new TypeError(\"Cannot instantiate an instance of " + typeName + ".\");" +
                "}" +

                "this.__name = name;" +
                "this.__ordinal = ordinal;" +

        /** Private objects used to maintain enum instances for values(), and to look up enum instances for fromName() **/
        var __values = [];
        var __dict = {};

        /** Attach values() and fromName() methods to the class itself (kind of like static methods). **/
        Object.defineProperty(__enum, "values", {
            value: function () {
                return __values;

        Object.defineProperty(__enum, "fromName", {
            value: function (name) {
                var __constant = __dict[name]
                if (__constant) {
                    return __constant;
                } else {
                    throw new TypeError(typeName + " does not have a constant with name " + name + ".");

         * The following methods are available to all instances of the enum. values() and fromName() need to be
         * available to each constant, and so we will attach them on the prototype. But really, they're just
         * aliases to their counterparts on the prototype.
        Object.defineProperty(__enum.prototype, "values", {
            value: __enum.values

        Object.defineProperty(__enum.prototype, "fromName", {
            value: __enum.fromName

        Object.defineProperty(__enum.prototype, "name", {
            value: function () {
                return this.__name;

        Object.defineProperty(__enum.prototype, "ordinal", {
            value: function () {
                return this.__ordinal;

        Object.defineProperty(__enum.prototype, "valueOf", {
            value: function () {
                return this.__name;

        Object.defineProperty(__enum.prototype, "toString", {
            value: function () {
                return this.__name;

         * If constants was an array, we can the element values directly. Otherwise, we will have to use the keys
         * from the constants object.
        var _constants = constants;
        if (isObject) {
            _constants = Object.keys(constants);

        /** Iterate over all constants, create an instance of our enum for each one, and attach it to the enum type **/
        _constants.forEach(function (name, ordinal) {
            // Create an instance of the enum
            var __constant = new __enum(new __(), name, ordinal);

            // If constants was an object, we want to attach the provided attributes to the instance.
            if (isObject) {
                Object.keys(constants[name]).forEach(function (attr) {
                    Object.defineProperty(__constant, attr, {
                        value: constants[name][attr]

            // Freeze the instance so that it cannot be modified.

            // Attach the instance using the provided name to the enum type itself.
            Object.defineProperty(__enum, name, {
                value: __constant

            // Update our private objects
            __dict[name] = __constant;

        /** Define a friendly toString method for the enum **/
        var string = typeName + " { " + __enum.values().map(function (c) {
                return c.name();
            }).join(", ") + " } ";

        Object.defineProperty(__enum, "toString", {
            value: function () {
                return string;

        /** Freeze our private objects **/

        /** Freeze the prototype on the enum and the enum itself **/

        /** Return the enum **/
        return __enum;

    return {
        define: define


задан Raj 2 December 2012 в 05:57

2 ответа

Программно создать объект запроса:

var query = {'film_id': {$in : genre}};
if (param) {
    query._id = {$lt: tokenId};
} else {
    query._id = {$gt: tokenId};
collection.find(query).sort({'_id': -1}).limit(25).toArray(function(error, films);


Теперь, когда Node.js 4+ поддерживает имена вычисленных свойств , вы можете создать query за один шаг:

var query = {
    film_id: {$in: genre},
    _id: {[param ? '$lt' : '$gt']: tokenId}
ответ дан JohnnyHK 27 August 2018 в 23:07

Выше код может не работать. Вышеупомянутый динамический запрос будет разрешен следующим примером. Токен является целым числом 35.

collection.find("_id":"{$gt: 35}")
          .sort({'_id': -1}).limit(25).toArray(function(error, films); 

, в результате чего возникает ошибка

Правильный синтаксис должен быть:

collection.find("_id":{$gt: 35}).  

Двойные «" кавычки не должны быть там.

ответ дан jHilscher 27 August 2018 в 23:07
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