В JavaScript, как я могу заменить текст в странице HTML, не влияя на теги?

Согласно этот разговор на форумах WPF MSDN (см. последнее сообщение), можно проверить, чтобы видеть, является ли IsLoaded ложью, что означает, что окно "имеет право" на разгрузку его содержания. Я надеюсь что работы на Вас!

задан Patrick McElhaney 18 September 2009 в 15:38

1 ответ

Don't use regex to parse HTML. [X][HT]ML is not a regular language and cannot reliably be processed using regex. Your browser has a good HTML parser built-in; let that take the strain of working out where the tags are.

Also you don't really want to work on html()/innerHTML on body. This will serialise and re-parse the entire page, which will be slow and will lose any information that cannot be serialised in HTML, such as event handlers, form values and other JavaScript references.

Here's a method using DOM that seems to work for me:

function replaceInElement(element, find, replace) {
    // iterate over child nodes in reverse, as replacement may increase
    // length of child node list.
    for (var i= element.childNodes.length; i-->0;) {
        var child= element.childNodes[i];
        if (child.nodeType==1) { // ELEMENT_NODE
            var tag= child.nodeName.toLowerCase();
            if (tag!='style' && tag!='script') // special case, don't touch CDATA elements
                replaceInElement(child, find, replace);
        } else if (child.nodeType==3) { // TEXT_NODE
            replaceInText(child, find, replace);
function replaceInText(text, find, replace) {
    var match;
    var matches= [];
    while (match= find.exec(text.data))
    for (var i= matches.length; i-->0;) {
        match= matches[i];
        text.parentNode.replaceChild(replace(match), text.nextSibling);

// keywords to match. This *must* be a 'g'lobal regexp or it'll fail bad
var find= /\b(keyword|whatever)\b/gi;

// replace matched strings with wiki links
replaceInElement(document.body, find, function(match) {
    var link= document.createElement('a');
    link.href= 'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/'+match[0];
    return link;
ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 14:48
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