Сохраните ссылку на файл после того, как это переместится в цель-c?

Я просто отсылаю Вас к Вопрос 5.3 из C-FAQ. Это отвечает на этот точный вопрос.

задан Austin 23 September 2009 в 20:41

1 ответ

In OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard), an NSURL can be converted to a file reference URL (using -[NSURL fileReferenceURL]) which references a file across moves while your application is running. If you want to persist this file reference, use +[NSURL writeBookmarkData:toURL:options:error:] passing the bookmark data generated with -[NSURL bookmarkDataWithOptions:includingResourceValuesForKeys:relativeToURL:error]. The bookmark can be resolved later with +[NSURL URLByResolvingBookmarkData:options:relativeToURL:bookmarkDataIsStale:error:] passing the bookmark data returned from +[NSURL bookmarkDataWithContentsOfURL:error:].

Prior to OS X 10.6, the same functionality (minus some network aware niceties) is available via the AliasManager, a Carbon-era interface to the OS X file alias system. There are a couple of Objective-C wrappers on top of the Alias Manager that make using it from Cocoa much nicer. My favorite is Wolf Rentzsch's additions to Chris Hanson's BDAlias (available on github).

ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 10:04