OpenCV по сравнению с ImageMagick? [закрытый]

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задан Benjamin 7 August 2015 в 21:56

2 ответа

I've used OpenCV for this type of task and have found it to work very well. It's well documented and has many of the types of operations that one typical needs for image analysis. I don't see how ImageMagick could even get you started on this.

I'm assuming here that what you mean by "image segmentation" is grouping pixels into clusters based on their value and the values of neighbouring pixels. If you're just counting pixels properties independently and essentially just want to load an image into an matrix, it probably doesn't matter what you use; but to do any analysis, OpenCV is the way to go, or at least worth a good look.

I suggest looking at some of the typical functions one needs, like Erode, Canny Edge Detection, Adaptive Thresholds, Contouring algorithms, etc, and check whether ImageMagick has any of these.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 17:38

opencv больше подходит для компьютерного зрения, ImageMagick - это гораздо более общий инструмент обработки изображений.

Я считаю ImageMagick более полезным для проектов обработки изображений, поскольку он имеет более богатый набор API, чем openCV.

Но если вы работаете над вещами, связанными с компьютерным зрением, например, обнаружение объектов, OpenCV может подойти.

ответ дан 5 December 2019 в 17:38
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