Как я возвращаю значение к sqldatareader, если значение является нулевым?

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задан marc_s 14 February 2010 в 10:57

4 ответа

You can check whether or not a given ordinal position is null using .IsDBNull() and then do something - e.g. set your value to -1 or something:

int myOrdinal = myReader.GetOrdinal("Truthfullness");

  theArticle.Truthfulness = -1;
  theArticle.Truthfulness = myReader.GetInt32(myOrdinal);

As Mike Hofer points out in his answer, you could also wrap all this logic into an extension method:

public static class SqlDataReaderExtensions 
    public static int SafeGetInt32(this SqlDataReader reader, 
                                   string columnName, int defaultValue) 
        int ordinal = reader.GetOrdinal(columnName);

           return reader.GetInt32(ordinal);
           return defaultValue;

and then just use that "SafeGetInt32" method instead:

  theArticle.Truthfulness = myReader.SafeGetInt32("Truthfullness", -1);


ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 06:51

Did you check, SqlDataReader.IsDBNull Method? Probably something like:

theArticle.Truthfulness = string.Empty;
theArticle.Truthfulness = ((myReader.GetInt32(myReader.GetOrdinal("Truthfulness"))))
ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 06:51

You know, I deal with this all the time in Oracle. To clean the code up, I wrote a set of extension methods to simplify the operation:

using System.Data.OracleClient;
public static class OracleDataReaderExtensions 
    public static int GetInt32(this OracleDataReader reader, string columnName, int defaultValue) 
        return reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal(columnName)) != DbNull.Value ? 
               reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal(columnName)) : 

Create a separate overload for each type you want to return. I primarily work with string, int, date, and decimal. Remember YAGNI (you don't need to work with every type supported by the reader, only those you actually use.)

An extension class like this for SQL Server is really easy to write, and will VASTLY simplify your work. Trust me on that. Would I lie to you? :)

ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 06:51

Вот то, что мы используем на SQLServer, и это прекрасно работает:


  Dim X as Object = pbDr("TotAmt")  'dr is dim'ed as a DataReader


  Public Function pbDr(ByVal drName As String) As Object

    Dim SQLError As SqlClient.SqlException

    Dim IsNull As Boolean

    Dim Ordinal, DispNbr As Integer

      Ordinal = dr.GetOrdinal(drName)
      IsNull = dr.IsDBNull(Ordinal)
      If IsNull Then
        Dim Dbtype As String = dr.GetFieldType(Ordinal).ToString
        If Dbtype = "System.String" Then
          Return ""
        ElseIf Dbtype = "System.Int32" _
         OrElse Dbtype = "System.Double" _
         OrElse Dbtype = "System.Decimal" _
         OrElse Dbtype = "System.Int16" Then
          Return 0
          MsgBox("Print This Screen And Send To Support" _
           & "pbdr-Object = " & Dbtype, MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
          Return ""
        End If
        Return dr(Ordinal)
      End If

    Catch sqlerror
      Call DispSQLError(SQLError, "pbDr")
      pbDr = ""
    End Try

  End Function
ответ дан 18 December 2019 в 06:51
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