Создание массива объектов на стеке и "куче"

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задан Garrett 9 November 2014 в 23:00

2 ответа

You can create an array of objects on the stack via:

myarray stackArray[100]; // 100 objects

And on the heap (or "freestore"):

myarray* heapArray = new myarray[100];
delete [] heapArray; // when you're done

But it's best not manage memory yourself. Instead, use a std::vector:

#include <vector>
std::vector<myarray> bestArray(100);

A vector is a dynamic array, which (by default) allocates elements from the heap.††

Because your class has no default constructor, to create it on the stack you need to let the compiler know what to pass into the constructor:

myarray stackArray[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };

Or with a vector:

// C++11:
std::vector<myarray> bestArray{ 1, 2, 3 };

// C++03:
std::vector<myarray> bestArray;

Of course, you could always give it a default constructor:

class myarray
    int i;    
    myarray(int a = 0) :

† For the pedants: C++ doesn't really have a "stack" or "heap"/"freestore". What we have is "automatic storage" and "dynamic storage" duration. In practice, this aligns itself with stack allocation and heap allocation.

†† If you want "dynamic" allocation from the stack, you'd need to define a max size (stack storage is known ahead of time), and then give vector a new allocator so it uses the stack instead.

ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 15:35

Если вы создаете массив объектов класса myarray (либо в стеке, либо в куче), вам нужно будет определить конструктор по умолчанию.

Нет способа передать аргументы конструктору при создании массива объектов.

ответ дан 30 November 2019 в 15:35
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