Retain cycle on `self` with blocks

I'm afraid this question is pretty basic, but I think it's relevant to a lot of Objective-C programmers who are getting into blocks.

What I've heard is that since blocks capture local variables referenced within them as const copies, using self within a block can result in a retain cycle, should that block be copied. So, we are supposed to use __block to force the block to deal directly with self instead of having it copied.

__block typeof(self) bself = self;
[someObject messageWithBlock:^{ [bself doSomething]; }];

instead of just

[someObject messageWithBlock:^{ [self doSomething]; }];

What I'd like to know is the following: if this is true, is there a way that I can avoid the ugliness (aside from using GC)?

задан Jonathan Sterling 15 September 2011 в 22:37