VIM: отключение курсора / клавиш со стрелками, но только для навигации

inoremap  <Up>     <NOP>
inoremap  <Down>   <NOP>
inoremap  <Left>   <NOP>
inoremap  <Right>  <NOP>
noremap   <Up>     <NOP>
noremap   <Down>   <NOP>
noremap   <Left>   <NOP>
noremap   <Right>  <NOP>

This is what I use to disable cursor navigation, to help me stick to hjkl :)

But it also disables the cursor on the command bar... normally the arrow keys let you cycle through the history

Is it possible to disable the cursor keys ONLY for navigation, and not for the history?

задан user537339 19 March 2011 в 23:51