Why use a android service?

Im wondering what is the point of using a android service to do background work when you need to do a lot of things just to access any public methods or get a large chunk of data from a service such as a larger List object.

why not just use a simple POJO that does stuff in the background for you in a seperate thread if you like and gain access to its public methods without creating interfaces using AIDL, binding to a service etc etc?

seems soo much work needs to be done to access a method from a service class or is that really not the point of a service class in android?

i have developed a android service class that gets 100's of items in a xml structure from a web service who i then parse it into a POJO that is then stored in a List but i am having difficulty finding a way to send this List back to the activity that called this service.

i've read about using parcebales objects but that along with all the intent.putExtra have a size limitations so i may run into problems in the future.

i am thinking of ditching Android services and i have quickly found out why i dont like using them in the first place :(

a simple SomeBackgroundPojo backroundTask = new SomeBackgroundPojo(); backgroundTask.getData();

Seems soooo much easier than dealing with parcelables, serealizable objects, AIDL, binding etcc etc all just to achieve the two lines of code i just typed above :(

задан RajaReddy PolamReddy 9 November 2012 в 09:18