Crash reporting for MinGW applications

I have a c++ application compiled with MinGW for which I've been receiving crash complaints from customers. So, besides heavily logging in the parts that might be crashing (before releasing a new version), I've been looking for a crash reporter that will help me find out the stack trace and any other useful debugging information whenever an error arises.

Does any such tool exist that is compatible with MinGW applications? (It seems that there is a close relation between then compiler and the crash reporting strategy, thus the question).

Are there any Windows tools that can help me? The application is being run mostly in Windows XP machines.

Being able to write information to a file is enough for my purposes. Then I can ask my customer to mail me the information.

I've been looking into google-breakpad and SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, but I still don't know if they will be useful in any way. Other crash report utilities, such as crashrpt, are designed for Visual C++, so I guess trying them with MinGW doesn't make a lot of sense.

EDIT: some useful links on the subject

задан Community 23 May 2017 в 10:31