Moose vs. MooseX::Declare


MooseX::Declare would no longer be recommended by anyone as it relies on Devel::Declare which served its purpose but is itself obsolete. At this point if anyone wants MX::D they should look at Moops


Assuming I already have a decent knowledge of old-style Perl OO, and assuming I am going to write some new code in some flavor of Moose (yes, I understand there is a performance hit), I was wondering if deeper down either rabbit hole, am I going to wish that I had chosen the other path? Could you SO-monks enlighten me with the relative merits of Moose vs. MooseX::Declare (or some other?). Also how interchangeable they are, one for one class and the other for another, should I choose to switch.

(p.s. I would be ok cw-ing this question, however I think a well formed answer might be able to avoid subjectivity)

задан Joel Berger 30 April 2015 в 14:24