Как мне объединить CSS text-shadow и «background-image: -webkit-gradient»

Я пытаюсь добиться эффекта градиента + тени текста в Chrome / Safari, используя CSS text-shadow и комбинацию text-shadow и background-image: -webkit-gradient, см. Пример blw . keyboard layout". Example: woijf ...

The winner of a recent Wikipedia vandalism detection competition suggests that detection could be improved by "detecting random keyboard hits considering QWERTY keyboard layout".

Example: woijf qoeoifwjf oiiwjf oiwj pfowjfoiwjfo oiwjfoewoh

Is there any software that does this already (preferably free and open source) ?

If not, is there an active FOSS project whose goal is to achieve this?

If not, how would you suggest to implement such a software?

задан Ilmari Karonen 26 October 2013 в 19:07