Transliteration from Ethiopic (and others) to ASCII (ሀ -> ha; ü -> ue)

I am not yet so good with reading Amharic (Geez / Ethiopic) letters.

If I have a text in Ge'ez (Ethiopia) letters ( ) I want to transliterate them to ASCII.

When I go with the LYNX Textmode browser to (webpage in Amharic) it showes me "edis map: yeedis ebeba karta". How can I access this functionality for example in Python, Bash or PHP? Which API do they use?

It seems not to be iconv:

$ iconv -f UTF-8 -t ASCII//TRANSLIT
Input:    ሀ ለ ሐ መ ሠ ረ ሰ
Output:   ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

задан Alex 10 September 2010 в 04:12