Efficient SQL test query or validation query that will work across all (or most) databases

Many database connection pooling libraries provide the ability to test their SQL connections for idleness. For example, the JDBC pooling library c3p0 has a property called preferredTestQuery, which gets executed on the connection at configured intervals. Similarly, Apache Commons DBCP has validationQuery.

Many example queries I've seen are for MySQL and recommend using SELECT 1; as the value for the test query. However, this query doesn't work on some databases (e.g. HSQLDB, for which SELECT 1 expects a FROM clause).

Is there a database-agnostic query that's equivalently efficient but will work for all SQL databases?


If there's not (which seems to be the case), can somebody suggest a set of SQL queries that will work for various database providers? My intention would be to programmatically determine a statement I can use based on my database provider configuration.

задан facundofarias 22 September 2016 в 15:44