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Метод sendPasswordResetEmail() - это метод из клиентского модуля auth, и вы правы, у Admin-SDK его нет - или что-то сопоставимое. Большинство людей называют эту функцию из front-end ...

С учетом сказанного можно выполнить на бэкэнде ... но вам придется создавать свои собственные функции. Я уже делал это раньше, я вставлю часть своего кода из своих облачных функций, чтобы помочь вам ... если вы решите пойти по этой дороге. Я создаю свой JWT, добавляю его к URL-адресу, а затем использую NodeMailer для отправки им электронной почты с этой ссылкой ... когда они посещают эту ссылку ( страница сброса пароля ), они вводят свой новый пароль , а затем, когда они нажимают кнопку отправки, я вытаскиваю JWT из URL-адреса и передаю его моей второй облачной функции, которая проверяет ее, а затем сбрасывает свой пароль.

const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');


// Email functionality
const nodemailer = require('nodemailer');

// Pull the gmail login info out of the environment variables
const gmailEmail = functions.config().gmail.email;
const gmailPassword = functions.config().gmail.password;

// Configure the nodemailer with our gmail info
const mailTransport = nodemailer.createTransport({
  service: 'gmail',
  auth: {
    user: gmailEmail,
    pass: gmailPassword,

// Called from any login page, from the Forgot Password popup
// Accepts a user ID - finds that user in the database and gets the associated email
// Sends an email to that address containing a link to reset their password
exports.forgotPassword = functions.https.onRequest( (req, res) => {

  // Make a query to the database to get the /userBasicInfo table... 
  admin.database().ref(`userBasicInfo`).once('value').then( dataSnapshot => {
    let allUsers = dataSnapshot.val() ? dataSnapshot.val() : {};
    let matchingUid = '';
    let emailForUser = '';

    // Loop over all of the users
    Object.keys(allUsers).forEach( eachUid => {
      // See if their email matches
      allUsers[eachUid]['idFromSis'] = allUsers[eachUid]['idFromSis'] ? allUsers[eachUid]['idFromSis'] : '';
      if (allUsers[eachUid]['idFromSis'].toUpperCase() === req.body.userIdToFind.toUpperCase()) {
        // console.log(`Found matching user! Uid: ${eachUid} with idFromSis: ${allUsers[eachUid]['idFromSis']}... setting this as the matchingUid`);
        matchingUid = eachUid;
        emailForUser = allUsers[eachUid]['email'] ? allUsers[eachUid]['email'] : '';

    // After loop, see if we found the matching user, and make sure they have an email address
    if (matchingUid === '' || emailForUser == '') {
      // Nothing found, send a failure response
    } else {
      // Send an email to this email address containing the link to reset their password

      // We need to generate a token for this user - expires in 1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds
      jwt.sign({ uid: matchingUid }, functions.config().jwt.secret, { expiresIn: 60 * 60 }, (errorCreatingToken, tokenToSend) => {

        if (errorCreatingToken) {
          console.log('Error creating user token:');
          let objToReplyWith = {
            message: 'Error creating token for email. Please contact an adminstrator.'
        } else {

          // Send token to user in email

          // Initialize the mailOptions variable
          const mailOptions = {
            from: gmailEmail,
            to: emailForUser,
          // Building Email message.
          mailOptions.subject = 'LMS Password Reset';
          mailOptions.text = `
Dear ${req.body.userIdToFind.toUpperCase()},

The <system> at <company> has received a "Forgot Password" request for your account.
Please visit the following site to reset your password:

If you have additional problems logging into LMS, please contact an adminstrator.

          // Actually send the email, we need to reply with JSON
          mailTransport.sendMail(mailOptions).then( () => {
            // Successfully sent email
            let objToReplyWith = {
              message: 'An email has been sent to your email address containing a link to reset your password.'
          }).catch( err => {
            // Failed to send email
            console.log('There was an error while sending the email:');
            let objToReplyWith = {
              message: 'Error sending password reset email. Please contact an adminstrator.'




  }).catch( err => {
    console.log('Error finding all users in database:');


// Called when the unauthenticated user tries to reset their password from the reset-password-by-token page
// User received an email with a link to the reset-password-by-token/TOKEN-HERE page, with a valid token
// We need to validate that token, and if valid - reset the password
exports.forgotPasswordReset = functions.https.onRequest( (req, res) => {

  // Look at the accessToken provided in the request, and have JWT verify whether it's valid or not
  jwt.verify(req.body.accessToken, functions.config().jwt.secret, (errorDecodingToken, decodedToken) => {

    if (errorDecodingToken) {
      console.error('Error while verifying JWT token:');

    // Token was valid, pull the UID out of the token for the user making this request
    let requestorUid = decodedToken.uid;

    admin.auth().updateUser(requestorUid, {
      password: req.body.newPassword
    }).then( userRecord => {
      // Successfully updated password
      let objToReplyWith = {
        message: 'Successfully reset password'
    }).catch( error => {
      console.log("Error updating password for user:");


задан miken32 19 January 2019 в 16:55

1 ответ


проблема с изображениями, поэтому я использовал новый набор изображений

ответ дан Ola Dayo 19 January 2019 в 16:55
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