Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore?

I recently realized that I have lost the password to my keystore (or perhaps the keystore got corrupted somehow)

It keeps giving me the error: Keystore tampered or password incorrect

I created an (quite unoptimized) algorithm to Brute-Force the password by letting it run all the night. However, I am not sure how many unsuccessful password attempts will lock the keystore down.

Does anyone know anything like this?

The algorithm I devised works okay (I am using Java), but I realized that normally, the Keystore tool asks for the password only when I press enter. but to get the brute-force to work, I would want it to have a switch and accept password in the same line. is it possible?

задан Aman Alam 28 May 2011 в 07:25