Convert std::vector to array

I have a library which expects a array and fills it. I would like to use a std::vector instead of using an array. So instead of

int array[256];

I would like to do:

std::vector<int> array;

But I can't find a way to do it. Is there any chance to use std::vector for this?

Thanks for reading!

EDIT: I want to place an update to this problem: I was playing around with C++11 and found a better approach. The new solution is to use the function to get the pointer to the first element. So we can do the following:

std::vector<int> theVec;
object->getArray(; // will pass the pointer to the first element

If we want to use a vector with a fixed amount of elements we better use the new datatype std::array instead (btw, for this reason the variable name "array", which was used in the question above should not be used anymore!!).

std::array<int, 10> arr; //an array of 10 integer elements
arr.assign(1); //set value '1' for every element

Both code variants will work properly in Visual C++ 2010. Remember: this is C++11 Code so you will need a compiler which supports the features!

The answer below is still valid if you do not use C++11!

задан SideEffect 14 February 2012 в 15:33