Java Connection Pooling best practices?

After getting fed up with c3p0's constant locking I'm turning to BoneCP for an alternative connection pool for my database. I have a server app that processes around 7,000 items per minute and needs to log those items into our MySQL database. I currently have 100 worker threads and have set up my pool like such:

BoneCPConfig config = new BoneCPConfig();
      config.setJdbcUrl("jdbc:mysql://"+Settings.MYSQL_HOSTNAME+"/"+Settings.MYSQL_DATABASE+"?autoReconnectForPools=true" ); 
      connectionPool = new BoneCP(config); // setup the connection pool

Are those acceptable settings for such an app? I'm asking because after a minute or two into running I was getting BoneCP exceptions when trying to call getConnection on the pool. Thanks for the help.

Here is the code I was using for the db calls in my worker threads, it can't fail on the dbConn = this.dbPool.getConnection() line. Am I not closing connections properly?

private void insertIntoDb() {
    try {  
        Connection dbConn = this.dbPool.getConnection();

        try {
            PreparedStatement ps3 = dbConn.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO test_table1 SET test1=?, test2=?, test3=?");
            ps3.setString(1, "some string");
            ps3.setString(2, "some other string");
            ps3.setString(3, "more strings");

            PreparedStatement ps4 = dbConn.prepareStatement("INSERT IGNORE INTO test_table2 SET test1=?, test2=?, test3=?");
            ps4.setString(1, "some string");
            ps4.setString(2, "some other string");
            ps4.setString(3, "more strings");

        } catch(SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (SQLException e) {
    } catch(SQLException e) {

This is the error I was seeing:

 [java]  WARN [] ( - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.
 [java]  WARN [] ( - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.
 [java]  WARN [] ( - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.
 [java]  WARN [] ( - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.
 [java]  WARN [] ( - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.
 [java]  WARN [] ( - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.
 [java]  WARN [] ( - BoneCP detected an unclosed connection and will now attempt to close it for you. You should be closing this connection in your application - enable connectionWatch for additional debugging assistance.

ERROR pool-2-thread-39 2010-09-04 13:36:19,798 com.test.testpackage.MyTask - null
    at com.jolbox.bonecp.BoneCP.getConnection(
задан bluish 2 March 2012 в 16:06