Parsing HTML with Lxml

I need help parsing out some text from a page with lxml. I tried beautifulsoup and the html of the page I am parsing is so broken, it wouldn't work. So I have moved on to lxml, but the docs are a little confusing and I was hoping someone here could help me.

Here is the page I am trying to parse, I need to get the text under the "Additional Info" section. Note, that I have a lot of pages on this site like this to parse and each pages html is not always exactly the same (might contain some extra empty "td" tags). Any suggestions as to how to get at that text would be very much appreciated.

Thanks for the help.

задан RivieraKid 17 August 2011 в 21:25

1 ответ

import lxml.html as lh
import urllib2

def text_tail(node):
    yield node.text
    yield node.tail

for elt in doc.iter('td'):
    if text.startswith('Additional  Info'):
        blurb=[text for node in elt.itersiblings('td')
               for subnode in node.iter()
               for text in text_tail(subnode) if text and text!=u'\xa0']


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Редактировать: Вот альтернативное решение, основанное на xpath Стивена Д. Маевски, которое относится к комментарию ОП о том, что количество тегов, отделяющих «Дополнительную информацию» от рекламного объявления, может быть неизвестно:

import lxml.html as lh
import urllib2


blurb=doc.xpath('//td[child::*[text()="Additional  Info"]]/following-sibling::td/text()')

blurb=[text for text in blurb if text != u'\xa0']
ответ дан 1 December 2019 в 14:10
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