Faster way to get multiple FileInfo's?

This is a longshot, but is there a faster way to get size, lastaccessedtime, lastcreated time etc for multiple files?

I have a long list of file paths (so I needn't enumerate) and need to look up that information as quickly as possible. Creating FileInfo's in parallel probably won't help much since the bottleneck should be the disk.

The NTFS Journal only keeps the filenames unfortunately otherwise that' be great, i guess the OS doesn't store that meta information somewhere?

One other optimization that might be done if there's a static or Win32 call (File methods only allows me to get one piece of information at a time though) method that fetches the information rather that creating a bunch of FileInfo objects

Anyways, glad if anyone know something that might help, unfortunately I do have to have to do micro optimization here and no "using a database" isn't a viable answer ;)

задан Homde 4 December 2010 в 09:13