NuGet official package source: Should I be worried about the safety of the packages?

According to this page:

No central approval process for adding packages. When you upload a package to the NuGet Package Gallery (which doesn’t exist yet), you won’t have to wait around for days or weeks waiting for someone to review it and approve it. Instead, we’ll rely on the community to moderate and police itself when it comes to the feed. This is in the spirit of how and work.

This makes me feel uneasy. Before I download a Firefox add-on, I know it should not contain malicious code, because AFAIK all add-ons on are reviewed by Mozilla. Before I download a open source project from or, I know it should be safe because anyone can check it's source code. And I can also use WOT (web of trust) to check how other people think about the project.

But before I download a package from NuGet official package source. Take this one for example. I do no know who made this package, nor what is contained in the package. It seems to me that anyone can pack anything into a package, give it any name they want (like "Microsoft Prism", as long as the name is not taken), then upload it to the official package source.

Should I be worried about the safety of the packages on NuGet official package source?

задан 23 February 2011 в 18:36