Double-Checked Locking Pattern in C++11?

The new machine model of C++11 allows for multi-processor systems to work reliably, wrt. to reorganization of instructions.

As Meyers and Alexandrescu pointed out the "simple" Double-Checked Locking Pattern implementation is not safe in C++03

Singleton* Singleton::instance() {
  if (pInstance == 0) { // 1st test
    Lock lock;
    if (pInstance == 0) { // 2nd test
      pInstance = new Singleton;
  return pInstance;

They showed in their article that no matter what you do as a programmer, in C++03 the compiler has too much freedom: It is allowed to reorder the instructions in a way that you can not be sure that you end up with only one instance of Singleton.

My question is now:

  • Do the restrictions/definitions of the new C++11 machine model now constrain the sequence of instructions, that the above code would always work with a C++11 compiler?
  • How does a safe C++11-Implementation of this Singleton pattern now looks like, when using the new library facilities (instead of the mock Lock here)?

задан towi 19 March 2013 в 14:16

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