Как работает буферизация unix pcap?

Гипотетический сценарий: A udp packet stream arrives at machine X, which is running two programs - one which is listening for the packets with recv(), and another which is running pcap.

In this case, as I understand it, the packets are stored in the interface until it is polled by the kernal, which then moves them into a buffer in the kernals memory, and copies the packets into another two buffers - one buffer for the program listening with recv, and one buffer for the program listening with pcap. The packets are removed from the respective buffer when they are read - either by pcap_next() or recv(), the next time the process scheduler runs them (I assume they are blocking in this case). Is this correct? Are there really 4 buffers used, or is it handled some other way?

I'm looking for a description, as detailed as possible, as to what buffers are really involved in this case, and how packets move from one to the other (e.g. does a packet get copied to pcaps buffer before it goes to the recv buffer, after, or undefined?).

I know this seems like a big question, but all I really care about is where the packet gets stored, and how long it stays there for. Bullet points are fine. Ideally I'd like a general answer, but if it varies between OS I'm most interested in Linux.

задан Benubird 23 February 2011 в 18:02