How do I use nested attributes with the devise model

I have the same issue as Creating an additional related model with Devise (which has no answer).

I have overridden the devise view for creating a new user and added a company name, I have changed the model to use accepts_nested_attributes_for

There are no errors, but it is not adding the nested record and I don't have a controller where I can modify the request.

I have the following (shortened to make it readable):


map.devise_for :users
map.resources :users, :has_many => :companies


has_many :companies
accepts_nested_attributes_for :companies
devise :registerable ... etc


belongs_to :user


<% form_for resource_name, resource, :url => registration_path(resource_name) do |f| %>
  <% f.fields_for :company do |company_form| %>

<%= company_form.label :name %>

<%= company_form.text_field :name %>

<% end %> ...

UPDATE: I didn't add :company to the attr_accessible list in the User model.

задан Community 23 May 2017 в 12:25

1 ответ

Возможно, вы пытаетесь массово назначить некоторую защищенную переменную, ИЛИ вы не можете сохранить действительную запись. Убедитесь, что запись действительно сохраняется в базу данных.

ответ дан 3 December 2019 в 20:39
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