SMS receive with no notification

I want to receive a sms in my app, but I don't want my Android to show a notification about that event. Algorithm:

  1. Receive sms (it's ok)

  2. If this is a sms with special content-format (for my app) - process it with my app and don't display a notification.

  3. If this is a simple message - I don't want to process it, so a notification must be displayed.

I tried to use an ordered broadcast, but it doesn't help. Somewhere I read that SMS_RECEIVE's broadcast is not ordered, but I saw some apps, which can receive SMS without notify.

Does anyone can help me or show me the right way to solve this problem?

Calling abortBroadcast() in broadcast doesn't help

задан Kromster says support Monica 28 January 2019 в 11:43