Что следует передать для параметра @object в BeginInvoke?

I have an event delegate that is defined as follows:

public delegate void CallbackDelegate(Data data);
public event CallbackDelegate OnDataComplete;

I raise the event asynchronously:

// Raise the OnDataComplete event
OnDataComplete.BeginInvoke(new Data(), null, null);

Subsequently, the signature of BeginInvoke looks like:

IAsyncResult CallbackDelegate.BeginInvoke(Data data, AsyncCallback callback, object @object)

In most examples I've seen BeginInvoke is called with the @object parameter being null, but I can't find the documentation which explains what is the purpose of that parameter.

So what is the purpose of that parameter? What can we use it for?

задан Kiril 21 January 2011 в 20:14