How can a test called by Robot Framework return information to the console

I have a robot framework test suite that calls a python method. I would like that python method to return a message to the console without failing the test. Specifically I am trying to time a process.

I can use "raise" to return a message to the console, but that simultaneously fails the test.

 def doSomething(self, testCFG={}):
    Do a process and time it. 
testCFG['operation'] = 'doSomething'
startTime = time.time()
endTime = time.time()
duration = int(round(endTime-startTime))
raise "doSomething took", duration//60 , "minutes and", duration%60, "seconds."
errmsg = 'doSomething failed'
if testCFG['code']: raise Exception(errmsg)

Or I can use "print" to return a message to the log file and report without failing the test, but that information is only available in the report, not the console.

 def doSomething(self, testCFG={}):
    Do a process and time it. 
testCFG['operation'] = 'doSomething'
startTime = time.time()
endTime = time.time()
duration = int(round(endTime-startTime))
print "doSomething took", duration//60 , "minutes and", duration%60, "seconds."
errmsg = 'doSomething failed'
if testCFG['code']: raise Exception(errmsg)

If I use the "print" option I get this:

Do Something :: Do a process to a thing(Slow Process).                | PASS |
doSomething :: Overall Results                                        | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed

What I want is this:

Do Something :: Do a process to a thing(Slow Process).                | PASS |
doSomething took 3 minutes and 14 seconds.
doSomething :: Overall Results                                        | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
задан Jason Plank 2 November 2011 в 17:55