Fastest way to skip lines while parsing files in Ruby?

I tried searching for this, but couldn't find much. It seems like something that's probably been asked before (many times?), so I apologize if that's the case.

I was wondering what the fastest way to parse certain parts of a file in Ruby would be. For example, suppose I know the information I want for a particular function is between lines 500 and 600 of, say, a 1000 line file. (obviously this kind of question is geared toward much large files, I'm just using those smaller numbers for the sake of example), since I know it won't be in the first half, is there a quick way of disregarding that information?

Currently I'm using something along the lines of:

while  buffer = file_in.gets and file_in.lineno <600
  next unless file_in.lineno > 500
  if buffer.chomp!.include? some_string

It works, but I just can't help but think it could work better.

I'm very new to Ruby and am interested in learning new ways of doing things in it.

задан Andrew Grimm 19 February 2011 в 23:50