Parallel.ForEach questions

I am using a Parallel.ForEach loop in C# / VS2010 to do processing and I have a couple of questions.

First of all I have a process that needs to extract information from a remote webservice and then needs to build images (GDI) on the fly.

I have a class that encapsulates all of the functionality into a single object with two main methods Load() and CreateImage() with all the GDI management / WebRequests "blackboxed" inside this object.

I then create a GenericList that contains all the objects that need to be processed and I iterate through the list using the following code:

            Parallel.ForEach(MyLGenericList, ParallelOptions, (MyObject, loopState) =>


                if (loopState.ShouldExitCurrentIteration || loopState.IsExceptional)
        catch (OperationCanceledException ex)
            // Cancel here
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;

Now my questions are:

  1. Given that there could be ten thousand items in the list to parse, is the above code the best way to approach this? Any other ideas more then welcome
  2. I have an issue whereby when I start the process the objects are created / loaded and images created very fast but after around six hundred objects the process starts to crawl. It doesn eventually finish, is this normal?

Thanks in advance :) Адам

задан Conrad Frix 17 May 2011 в 10:23