Идиоматический Clojure для решения алгоритма динамического программирования

Я решил проработать текст CLRS Introduction to Algorithms и аккуратно выбрал проблему печати здесь .

I проработал эту проблему и придумал императивное решение, которое было легко реализовать в Python, но несколько хуже в Clojure.

Я полностью озадачен переводом функции compute-matrix из моего решения в идиоматический Clojure. Какие-либо предложения? Вот псевдокод для функции вычисления матрицы:

// n is the dimension of the square matrix.
// c is the matrix.
function compute-matrix(c, n):
    // Traverse through the left-lower triangular matrix and calculate values.
    for i=2 to n:
        for j=i to n:

            // This is our minimum value sentinal.
            // If we encounter a value lower than this, then we store the new
            // lowest value.
            optimal-cost = INF

            // Index in previous column representing the row we want to point to.
            // Whenever we update 't' with a new lowest value, we need to change
            // 'row' to point to the row we're getting that value from.
            row = 0

            // This iterates through each entry in the previous column.
            // Note: we have a lower triangular matrix, meaning data only
            // exists in the left-lower half.
            // We are on column 'i', but because we're in a left-lower triangular
            // matrix, data doesn't start until row (i-1).
            // Similarly, we go to (j-1) because we can't choose a configuration
            // where the previous column ended on a word who's index is larger
            // than the word index this column starts on - the case which occurs
            // when we go for k=(i-1) to greater than (j-1)
            for k=(i-1) to (j-1):

                // When 'j' is equal to 'n', we are at the last cell and we
                // don't care how much whitespace we have.  Just take the total
                // from the previous cell.
                // Note: if 'j' <  'n', then compute normally.

                if (j < n):
                    z = cost(k + 1, j) + c[i-1, k]

                    z = c[i-1, k]

                if z < optimal-cost:
                    row = k
                    optimal-cost = z

            c[i,j] = optimal-cost
            c[i,j].row = row

Кроме того, Я был бы очень признателен за отзывы об остальной части моего исходного кода Clojure, особенно относительно того, насколько это идиоматично. Удалось ли мне мыслить достаточно вне императивной парадигмы для кода Clojure, который я написал до сих пор? Вот он:

(ns print-neatly)

; High-order function which returns a function that computes the cost
; for i and j where i is the starting word index and j is the ending word
; index for the word list "word-list."
(defn make-cost [word-list max-length]
  (fn [i j]
    (let [total (reduce + (map #(count %1) (subvec word-list i j)))
          result (- max-length (+ (- j i) total))]
      (if (< result 0)
        (* result result result)))))

; initialization function for nxn matrix
(defn matrix-construct [n cost-func]
  (let [; Prepend nil to our collection.
          (fn [v]
            (cons nil v))

        ; Like append-empty; append cost-func for first column.
          (fn [v, index]
            (cons (cost-func 0 index) v))

        ; Define an internal helper which calls append-empty N times to create
        ; a new vector consisting of N nil values.
        ; ie., [nil[0] nil[1] nil[2] ... nil[N]]
          (fn [n]
            (loop [cnt n coll ()]
              (if (neg? cnt)
                (vec coll)
                (recur (dec cnt) (append-empty coll)))))

        ; Construct the base level where each entry is the basic cost function
        ; calculated for the base level. (ie., starting and ending at the
        ; same word)
          (fn [n]
            (loop [cnt n coll ()]
              (if (neg? cnt)
                (vec coll)
                (recur (dec cnt) (append-cost coll cnt)))))]

    ; The main matrix-construct logic, which just creates a new Nx1 vector
    ; via construct-empty-vec, then prepends that to coll.
    ; We end up with a vector of N entries where each entry is a Nx1 vector.
    (loop [cnt n coll ()]
        (zero? cnt) (vec coll)
        (= cnt 1) (recur (dec cnt) (cons (construct-base n) coll))
        :else (recur (dec cnt) (cons (construct-empty-vec n) coll))))))

; Return the value at a given index in a matrix.
(defn matrix-lookup [matrix row col]
  (nth (nth matrix row) col))

; Return a new matrix M with M[row,col] = value
; but otherwise M[i,j] = matrix[i,j]
(defn matrix-set [matrix row col value]
  (let [my-row (nth matrix row)
        my-cel (assoc my-row col value)]
    (assoc matrix row my-cel)))

; Print the matrix out in a nicely formatted fashion.
(defn matrix-print [matrix]
  (doseq [j (range (count matrix))]
    (doseq [i (range (count matrix))]
      (let [el (nth (nth matrix i) j)]
        (print (format "%1$8.8s" el)))) ; 1st item max 8 and min 8 chars

; Main

; Grab all arguments from the command line.
(let [line-length (Integer. (first *command-line-args*))
      words (vec (rest *command-line-args*))
      cost (make-cost words line-length)
      matrix (matrix-construct (count words) cost)]
  (matrix-print matrix))

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Я обновил свою функцию построения матриц с учетом полученных отзывов, так что теперь она фактически на одну строку короче моей реализации Python.

; Initialization function for nxn matrix
(defn matrix-construct [n cost-func]
  (letfn [; Build an n-length vector of nil
          (construct-empty-vec [n]
            (vec (repeat n nil)))

          ; Short-cut so we can use 'map' to apply the cost-func to each
          ; element in a range.
          (my-cost [j]
            (cost-func 0 j))

          ; Construct the base level where each entry is the basic cost function
          ; calculated for the base level. (ie., starting and ending at the
          ; same word)
          (construct-base-vec [n]
            (vec (map my-cost (range n))))]

    ; The main matrix-construct logic, which just creates a new Nx1 vector
    ; via construct-empty-vec, then prepends that to coll.
    ; We end up with a vector of N entries where each entry is a Nx1 vector.
    (let [m (repeat (- n 1) (construct-empty-vec n))]
      (vec (cons (construct-base-vec n) m)))))

задан GrooveStomp 8 November 2010 в 20:26