How to query column names dynamically using Postgres/NpgSQL

I have a filter object to query a table with many columns, and rather than write a condition covering all columns (allowing for optional filtering) like this:

WHERE ((:value0 IS NULL) OR (column_name0 = :value0)) AND ((:value1 IS NULL) OR (column_name1 = :value1)) AND... etc

for every column. Instead, I'd ideally I'd like to be able to pass in the field name as a parameter:

WHERE :column_name0 = :value0 AND column_name1 = :value1 AND... etc

which isn't possible as the columns are required at parse time (similar to this answer given here).

How do you overcome this? - I don't really want to have to maintain the SQL when new columns are added or removed (as you would have to in my first example) and I think it would be dangerous for me to construct the column names into the command string directly as this might allow for sql injection.

Note that this code is behind a web service.

задан Community 23 May 2017 в 11:57